Did you ever play the lottery? I have a few times when jackpot was over a billion dollars! However that does not change the odds! Greater chance of being struck by lightening than win a lottery! If your odds are 1 in 242 million chances well then is only one right number combinations to win but 242 million combinations not to win! So when you buy a ticket there are 242 million ways not to win! The spiritual world and the natural world are similar! Jesus said there is only one way to heaven! There are millions of ways not to get to heaven! Choose Jesus or choose your own way! One way leads to life the other way leads to death! God created you and the world we live in so we have to play by his rules! It is all about ownership! God owns it all! Some people think they own something! Wrong decisions are based upon the deception that we own what belongs to God! Jesus purchased our redemption with his own blood! The blood of God pure and holy! You often hear the myth that all roads lead to heaven? It is like saying does not matter what lottery ticket numbers I choose they are all winners! There is a way that seems right unto a man but leads to death! Jesus purchased your ticket to heaven! He paid the price! The price was the Cross! If you bet on losers you will lose! Only one winner so follow Jesus who defeated death hell and the grave for you! Lottery corporations keep half the income from ticket sales but God did not hold back anything from you and gave his all for you! He did not hold back anything that was yours he gave his all! Eternal life is yours by him! Redemption is yours by him! Why should you hold yourself back from him? Hold back what he has given you? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in
Category: Uncategorized
A.I. Generated Women! Sex Without Relationship? What Will A.I. Generated Jesus be Like? God Without Relationship! Anti-Christ!
Obama & Racism 2.0
A Neutered Transgendered Horse?
Democrats Destruction of Middle Class!
Cure for Death! 2 Corinthians 5:4
“For we in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened not for what we would be unclothed, but clothed upon; that mortality might be swallowed up of life.” Commentary: How is death swallowed up in victory? Who has power over death hell and the grave? Only the God who is exempt from death yet took on your death and sin on the Cross to defeat our last enemy death! He has clothed us with a sinless garment! Clothed in the most high! Born again! We all live under the shadow of death but do not be afraid of your own shadow! A shadow is only cast by an image of light! Jesus is the light of the world! In him is no darkness! Your life is two sides of the same coin! One side is death and the other side is life! Christ is the head and not the tail! Do not just flip a coin and hope for the best but live your life on the side of the coin that brings life! Life eternal like forever! We will all live forever some place heaven or hell depending on our choice! We will not get to heaven or hell by accident but by a choice! If you flip the coin in the air call heads because his coin is the same on both sides! Life and redemption for all that look for him! No longer separated from God but living for him as he lived and died for you! Jesus is the head of all creation! Male and female! Heaven and earth! Trust him with your life and your death! He promised to raise you from the dead as he was raised from the dead! Seated at the right hand of the Father judging the living and the dead! He defeated your sin for you! Something you could never do on your own! Saved by grace and not of yourselves! He will prove faithful to you both in life and in death! Precious to God in his sight is the death of his saints! Precious because he has rescued us from death to live with him forever! Jesus said I have gone to prepare a place for you! This mansion will outclass all mortal mansions on this earth! This mansion will be as immortal as God himself! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.nl
Fake Cowboys!
Wall Street War on Middle Class!
Why did Wall Street buy 20 percent of all middle class homes for sale last year? It is really a double edged sword! For the middle class home ownership is the way to grow wealth by the increase of equity in their home over time. Wall Street wants to turn middle class home owners into renters so that they may get the equity out of these homes instead of the home owner main street Americans! Mixed with this is a socialist ideology to destroy middle class America by removing property ownership for they stand in the way of a socialist government where the State owns everything and controls every aspect of our lives how we transport ourselves through public transportation and where we can live and work! President Trump if re-elected can once again break this cycle of socialist ideology and return prosperity to middle class Americans! America is not up for sale and until we get leaders who will not sell America out for a buck our decline will continue with the latest the downgrade of our credit rating the first time in history! Why? Government debt! It will cost us more to borrow money! America is worth saving but it starts with leaders who actually love America more than their money! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu
Socialism & Drug Addiction!
Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. Blaise Pascal
God Cleans House! Real Global Warming to Come! 2 Peter 3:12-13
“Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, wherein the heaven being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” Commentary: A new heaven and earth no longer tainted by sin! Is this a description of a nuclear war? Man destroying himself? Why do we need a new heaven? Where was the first sin done? In the Garden of Eden? No! In heaven is where war first sin started against God! The sin of pride! Lucifer and his rebellion against God! He was then cast down to the earth with 1/3rd of the angels that followed him in his rebellion! Heaven was tainted by sin just like the earth is today! God is a consuming fire! One side of the coin is mercy and the other side is judgment! This is a coin flip you do not want to make! Jesus is the head and not the tail! He promised never to leave nor forsake those who put their trust in him! I want to be part of the new heaven and the new earth so just trust the God who has given us all things! Fire provides light! Jesus is the light of the world! Something or someone has to be consumed to produce light for us to see the Savior! Jesus consumed our sin on a Cross so we might see the light of the world! God is light and in him is no darkness! The world hates the light because he exposes their sin! Do not play with fire for you will get burned! If Jesus is with you then you can walk through the fiery furnace and not be harmed! Without him the fires of hell will consume you! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in