“Jesus answered, My Kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not for this reason.” Commentary: Jesus did not get elected to office! He is not a member of a political party! Even though Jesus created the world we live in he came to earth from another Kingdom to lead people to an eternal kingdom that will never perish! So was there ever politics in heaven? Remember Lucifer who became Satan? He started a political party in heaven against God himself! A political revolution! Can you believe it he got 33 percent of the vote! It must have been the slow group? So they get kicked out of heaven to earth and now they are the politicians running the earth! How are we doing? So God had to send back to earth his Son to be the sacrifice for our sin! Interestingly 33 percent of the earth’s population today are Christian! Jesus did get down on the politicians sometimes! He called King Herod a fox! He told the religious politicians they were headed for hell! However he did tell us to render unto Caesar what is his in taxes and pay your tithes to God! Jesus is the King of kings! Above every king! His Kingdom has no end! The Democrat and Republican parties will come to an end one day! But Jesus Kingdom will continue forever! He has no beginning and he has no end! He existed before his birth on earth and he exists after his crucifixion raised from the dead! He has promised to raise all from the dead some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment! Do you want to fill out a registration card for heaven? Your name in the Book of Life? Jesus takes care of his own! Do you belong to him? He knows but do you? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.de
Category: Uncategorized
Trump’s Wealth Challenged by the State!
No free people ever existed, or ever can exist, without keeping the purse strings in their own hands. Where there is the case, they have a constitutional check upon the administration, which thereby by brought into order without violence. But when such power is not lodged in the people, oppression proceeds uncontrolled in its career, till the governed, transported into rage, seeks redress in the midst of blood and confusion! John Dickinson, Signer of U.S. Constitution, 1787, Representative from Delaware.
Constitution Opposes Socialism!
Most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor! John Dickinson, Signer of U.S. Constitution, 1787, Representative from Delaware.
Small Town Problem!
My town I grew up in was so small we did not even have a town drunk! So we as a close knit community all together had to share that burden! My turn was on Saturday nights! Johnny Cash
Constitutional Opposition to Transgenderism! 1787
Kings and parliament could not give the rights essential to happiness… We claim them from a higher source, from the King of kings, and the Lord of all the earth. The are not annexed to us by parchments or seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence. They are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power, without taking our lives! John Dickinson, Signer of U.S. Constitution, Representative from Delaware, 1787.
Christ Has Forgiven Past! Holds Your Future! Enjoy Today!
If we examine our thoughts, we shall find them always occupied with the past or the future! Blaise Pascal
Anti-Nationalistic Globalism! One World Government!
The Samaritan Woman & Worship! John 4:24
“God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Commentary: The Samaritan woman was not exactly the good Samaritan for Jesus told her at Jacob’s well all that she had ever done! Including her 5 previous husbands and the guy she was living with who was not her husband! She came out to fetch water in the heat of the day which is not normal she trying to avoid social contact! After Jesus revelation of her entire past she told Jesus I perceive you are a prophet? Jesus told her if you drink of this water from this well you will thirst again but I will give you living water where you will never thirst again! Then she asked Jesus are you better than Jacob who gave us this well? Should we not worship in Jerusalem where the Temple is? Jesus was really telling her the center of our worship is not so much about a physical location but God living in us! I am the truth! I am the way! The Spirit of God is manifested through me! I am God in the flesh incarnated so that you can see God in the flesh! The Spirit putting on flesh as a sacrifice for your sin! She became an evangelist and went back to her village and told everyone she met a prophet who told her everything she had ever done! You cannot hide your sin from Jesus! He knows everything about you! The good the bad and the ugly! Yet he loves us and paid the price for all of our ugliness! Even our best good cannot save us! This woman probably made hundreds of trips to this well in the heat of the day to hide her shame yet when Jesus showed up at the well and gave her living water she could worship God in Spirit and in truth! The word “spirit” translates like the wind that is invisible yet powerful to either save or destroy! To Moses his wind blew back across the Red Sea and made a path of escape on dry ground! Then God stopped the wind and buried almost all the Egyptian army! The breath or Spirit of God created the universe! When you were born you took a breath of life! At Pentecost a mighty rushing wind blew across the 120 disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised them just before his ascension! The invisible makes the visible possible! At Creation his wind blew upon the waters and formed life! The word “Truth” means the unveiling of reality! The reality as related to appearance! Truth as opposed to falsehood and deceptions! The incarnated God becoming flesh! Again Jesus said I am the truth! No one can come to the Father but by me! Spirit and Truth! Two sides of the same coin! Do not bet your money on this world you will lose but trust the one the Christ who is the total expression of the living God! Who expressed his love for you by sacrificing his life for your sin! Worship Christ for only he is worthy of our worship! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in
America! My Love!
What is an Empty Beer Can Called?
It is called a Bud Lite! Cappuccino’s has decided to go woke! They sent out a memo to managers not to hire white people? Now they are facing legal action where they may have to pay out millions of dollars in fines and restitutions! What do you think when white people drive by a Cappuccino’s on the road? They might not stop to buy that coffee! How is Target doing? Their stock prices graph price drop looks like the 1929 crash! What about churches that have gone woke? The Methodist church split and have bled membership like a stuck hog! Corporations, athletic teams and churches must remember the consumer has the final say whether you survive or not! If your local grocery store goes woke go buy somewhere else! In socialism in order to take political power and destruction over your life if you read Marx you will discover to secure power they will use the minority to attack the majority! Not so much in terms of race but in behaviors like the gay and transgender movements a minority to politically weaponize them to suppress the majority! Embolden the lawless minority to attack the majority! All to frighten the majority to succumb to the minority and achieve political power over them! The Green New Deal and climate change artists to control the majority through fear! The corporations that go woke are doing the work of the minority to punish the majority! The five million illegal immigrants who have moved across our southern border in the last two years is a minority punishing the majority of Americans! However as they are learning we the American people still live in a Democracy and we the people have the final say! If you want change then put Trump back in who will once again make America great again! We do not want empty beer cans and coffee cups and empty churches and empty factories and empty crime ridden cities but if the left gets their way this will be our end! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu