Universally auto insurance is cheaper for women than men! So if a man just call your insurance agent and tell him you got up this morning out of bed and you decided I must be a woman! Tell him if he does not give you a woman reduction rate in your insurance for your policy you are going to sue him for being transphobic!
Category: Uncategorized
Change of Address! 2 Corinthians 5:1
Greek Translation: “For we know that, if our created earthly bodies and our spiritual building the church were dissolved, we have a fervent without ceasing intense building of God, a spiritual residency not made with deceased hands, eternal that is God’s life in you not affected by time or location with no beginning and no end forever providing you eternal life in the permanently owned residency of God.” Commentary: Let me make this as simple as I can! God created you and has given you a temporary residency here on earth. Then you get saved through his Son attend a local church in worship and the Holy Spirit moves into your residency here on earth! God moves in with you! Now you are not alone! Then through death you get evicted from your earthly residency having a change of address! Then God moves out with you and takes you to your new home in heaven! Those that while living here on earth reject Christ Satan moves in with them and upon death moves with them to hell their new residency! This is the Gospel in a nut shell! This is the unvarnished truth that everyone will either accept or reject determining their present and future residency and who occupies their residency here on earth and after death their forever eternity! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
Absolute Power Corrupts! II Kings 9:22
“And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many.” Commentary: We all know the story of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. They were in political power destroying the lives of their own people trying to stay in power! Kind of like what goes on with some in Washington D.C. There are two kinds of leaders! The few that sacrifice themselves for the people and the many that sacrifice the people for their own gain! The honesty or the corruption is an outcome of the spiritual condition of man! For good or evil is a spiritual condition! Corruption begins in the heart! Do you want to get by any means what you do not have or do you want to give what you have? You may say well I do not have much but remember Jesus commended the widow when she gave all she had! Jesus said she gave more in the offering than the rich men! They just gave a little off the top! They tried to give God a tip! Jezebel confiscated property that did not belong to her and even killed to get it! Eventually she was eaten by the dogs not enough left to bury her! She made victims and she became a victim of her own ways! The judgment of God works this way! Jesus said those who live by the sword die by the sword! So what led to her destruction? It was the spirit that lived within her! An evil spirit! The two words used in this scripture that are rarely used in our culture today are whoredoms and witchcrafts. Whoredoms is idol worship! It is making your own god being unfaithful to the true God! It involves embracing the gods of this world living in denial of the God of heaven! I want my own way so I make my own god! Gods that are foreign to the true God! Sexual sins are closely related to evil spirits controlling people for destruction! Idol worshippers have fertility gods that even involve child sacrifice! Abortion to cover their sexual sin against God! Even King Solomon got into trouble bonding with women who served foreign gods! When you bond with Satan you become one with him just as you bond with the true God you become one with him spiritually and the result is the character of your life you live out here on earth! Later Solomon wrote all is vanity! No purpose to life! Our bonding to China through our political leaders has brought death to America through the Coronavirus with over one million dead! The trade imbalance for years has prospered China where they have built up their military where they now threaten the world with conquests! What effect will we have with these vaccines have that were hastily developed over time? Only time will tell! The drugs that crossed our southern border from China killed over one hundred thousand young people here in America last year! Be careful who you bond to! Life or death are the results personally and for our nation! Our next word is witchcrafts! This is not a witch riding on a broom on halloween night! Witchcraft often called whisperers is the evil act of trying to cast magical spells on people to control them for a evil purpose! Satan is a spirit just as God is a spirit! Satan uses his spirit to destroy people and God to save people from Satan! Sorcery is another word to describe witchcraft! Witchcraft is always connected to idol worship! You make your own gods in self-worship to do evil! Satan did not become Satan until he made tried to make himself God! I observed witchcraft in India the three years we were there in the Hindu Temples! People would come to the Hindu priest an offer money to cast spells on their enemies! Sometimes it was a husband who wanted to get rid of his old wife and get a new young wife! The cases were unlimited! Funny thing was the opposing party would come to the priest and offer more money to get rid of their opposition! What the Priests told me was this works on everyone except Christians! An example in history would be when the church sold indulgences to save their departed! Martin Luther had enough and the reformation began for the church! To collect money from both sides sounds like a politician! Maybe a lawyer? There is no peace unless the Prince of Peace lives in you! Throughout the history of man there is a temporary peace until the next war comes along! The next disease or pandemic! The next political upheaval! The next sickness and death! The next accident or financial collapse! The next storm or earthquake! The next gun poked in your belly to remove your wallet! The next house break in! The next layoff from your job! Your next cancer or heart attack! Your coming funeral! Jezebel rejected the true God and Satan then took over her life! Jesus has promised us eternal life and his peace he gives us in the midst of a troubled world! He will never leave us nor forsake us! Have you forsaken the true God with an idol? People will reject you because you follow the Savior but Jesus holds your future not them! Jesus holds their future also for he will judge the living and the dead! You can serve the God that created you or you can create your own gods! Which way is it for you? Only God can handle absolute power because he is God! His power is demonstrated to you in love that he sacrificed himself for you on a Cross to deliver you from your evil ways! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
Biden’s 87000 New IRS Agents!
AL-Qaida Orphan Looking for Loving Home!
I Was Before The Beginning! Ezekiel 28:15
“Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day thou was created, until iniquity was found in thee.” Commentary: It was 1986 and we were in India in the middle of our three year mission there in a village named Danishpet. It was in the State of Tamil Nadu and we had finished a crusade and the crowds had left and it was early morning so like we did so like so many times we slept on cots outside until daylight so we could return back to Yercaud our place of residence. In India it was almost like camping out for those three years! When the night sky with all those beautiful stars above it is a unique experience! Not a ceiling of sheetrock and paint but the open sky above! I used to think of those shepherds near Bethlehem sleeping outside and then God put on a light show to announce the birth of his Son! The bats were hanging in the tree above us and the chickens were roosting in the tree to escape the fox! Our cots were near this dirt road and sometime in the night a man walked by us shouting, “I was before the beginning” in the local Tamil language. He was drunk coming home from a bar and somehow even though drunk eternity was in his heart! This is all about people searching for purpose! Why am I here? To what end is my life for? Is all vanity like King Solomon said? The angels were created for worship just as we are created for worship! We are given a free will to worship God or reject him! We like the angels have a choice to do good or evil. Lucifer the praise leader in heaven decided to split with the God of heaven and earth and go his own way! Iniquity moved into his ways! There is a way that seems right to a man but those ways lead to death! He and 1/3 of the angels that followed him got kicked out of heaven! The word “perfect” used in this scripture means to meet the standard of God’s Law! No sin found! His “ways” means living a way to worship God! Then “created” means to bring into existence! The word “iniquity” means to live unjustly! To live outside of the mercies of God! To live with no justice! A law breaker! To war against the justice of God! To invoke his judgment upon you and me! The Trinity pre-existed creation! From Genesis we know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were active in creating the heavens and the earth! In creating man! Since Jesus always existed and was never created that means redemption preceded creation! Redemption is not necessary without a heaven and a hell. God even before creation knew the world he was about to create would need a Savior! Satan’s opposition the this began in heaven in his rebellion against God and his Christ! I always say war first began in heaven! All of God’s creation is eternal! Heaven and hell is eternal! World without end! Our physical death is not eternal but our soul and spirit is eternal living in either heaven or hell depending on what we do with Christ! We will never know everything about God but the scriptures give us enough to know he loves us! The purpose of Satan is to deceive you into the lie that God does not love you! He did that to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Do not follow ideologies such as Darwinism where his denial of God and his existence caused him to develop an ideology to try to replace him with the principalities and powers of darkness! To oppose God and deny him and his authority and power is what Satan did in heaven and on earth! Follow Christ creator of heaven and earth worshiping him in the here and now and forever! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
Just the Facts! Electric Vehicles
A recent study just came out that discovered that if every American would have an electric car their household yearly electric bill would be four times what it takes to heat and cool their home! Our electric grid does not have the capacity to handle such demands anyway and very few American’s have the money to purchase an electric car! Also remember you would be charging your electric car using fossil fuels! So we would be using more natural gas, oil and coal to run our powerplants to run electric chargers for our cars! My electric bill down here in Georgia is cheaper than most other states but I still spend about a thousand dollars a year to heat and cool our 3000 square foot home. So then my electric bill would go up to four thousand dollars a year to charge my electric car! Then I would have to purchase a 70-80 thousand dollar electric car and pay a few thousand to put in a charging system! So if I would just be able to keep my old van I spend about a thousand dollars a year for gas! So I would be three thousand dollars ahead by just staying with my motor vehicle and putting some fossil fuel in my gas tank rather than having that same fuel pumped into a power plant to charge my electric car! Do you realize what I could do with all the money extra I would have in my retirement! I could take grandma on more shopping trips! More trips to see the grandchildren before I die! Poor old small town mayor Pete our transportation secretary tells us that if we do not like their idea’s just ride a bicycle? If someone does not know the difference between a man and a woman then maybe they should not be in charge of your life and future? Elections have consequences! As a man thinketh so is he! November is your opportunity to make some positive changes to try not to build back poor but make America great again! Creationists need to replace Darwinists or we will continue to bow down to earth worship starving the very people God created to benefit from his earth! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
Badeshi Language Top MP3 Download for July 2022!
We have our Gospel Tract in over one hundred audio download languages on our web site so what is significant about this language? Let me explain first by giving a brief history of this language. This language is an almost extinct Indo-Iranian language spoken in Pakistan. Ethnologue, “Languages of the World”, stated that Badeshi had not been spoken for at least three generations but in 2018 the BBC found three men who could still speak the language. About 15 years ago when we began this language translation work on our web site we hired translators from around the world and translation work companies to do this work. We found translators in Pakistan to do some of their languages. One of those languages was Badeshi yet at the time I did not understand the significance? When I checked out all the languages our Bible has been translated into Badeshi was never translated. So it is possible that the few Badeshi speaking people in Northern Pakistan may have been first exposed to the Gospel by our language translation of our Gospel tract! When we do something for the Lord often we do not fully understand the significance of our work and often times it takes years to comprehend and even generations later to see the results! The work we do for our Lord is an eternal work not constrained by the passage of time! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
Are You a True Prophet? 1 Corinthians 14:3
“But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, exhortation and comfort.” Commentary: What does the word prophet or prophecy mean? In a generic sense it means to tell the future! Fortune tellers make their millions of dollars by people who pay them money to tell them the lies they want to hear! When you go to the Greek root word for prophecy we get a better understanding. The Strong’s Number is 4894. This may seem foolish to the natural mind but the word literally means to testify against ones own self! To the judge you plead guilty! Ya! I did it! This is a true prophet! A false prophet who is equally guilty hires an attorney to plead innocent even though he is guilty of the same crime! When we come to Christ in transparency we confess our sin or we are a witness against our own transgressions! Forgive me a sinner! A false prophet will do just the opposite! They will deny their sin and accuse others of the same sin and deny Christ of his redemptive work on their behalf! Satan is the accuser of the brethren my Bible says! It says in the Book of Revelation that Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy! He predicts what happens to people who confess him as savior and to those who deny him as savior! He predicts their present and future either to heaven or to hell. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord but some will do that from heaven and the rest will do that from hell. If you want to be saved witness against yourself before the living God who judges the living and the dead and receive forgiveness for the witness against yourself! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com
War on Gender & War on God! 1 Corinthians 11:3,8,9,11,12
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. At creation the man is not of the woman, but the woman is of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. Nevertheless, neither the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman but all things of God.” Commentary: God created order into the universe! He created man and woman for a specific purpose to glorify God in the earth! Together to serve him! To have children to reproduce man into the earth for so that life would continue into the future generations! Remember when the religious folks tried to trick Jesus? They asked him if a man marries a woman and he dies and another man marries her and he dies and this happens seven times over who’s wife will she be in heaven? Jesus told them you are missing the point! They will be as the angels in heaven! That is in heaven reproduction is not needed because there is no death there! Here on earth reproduction is only needed because of sin and death! Satan in opposition to God tries to kill reproduction here on earth to thwart the purposes of God! He tries by abortion, homosexual marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism and now to destroy the sexuality of children right in our own public schools! The war on gender is a full court press today here in America! There is no death in heaven because there is no sin in heaven! Remember what it says all the way back to the Book of Genesis! God will crush the head of the serpent by the seed of the woman! Christ the incarnated God born into the earth by the seed of the woman! Now do you understand the relentless war on women and gender since the beginning of time? To blur the distinct lines of gender to bring confusion to thwart the purposes of God to the two gender’s male and female he created! This war will continue on God through gender castrating until the second coming of Christ when he will redeem the lost and bring law and order back to planet earth establishing peace and Satan is bound for a thousand years! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a homosexual with no natural desire for women! Satan hates women because they remind him of the seed Christ they produced to seal his defeat! Today he masks his hatred of women by deceiving them under his category as “Women’s Rights”! The Church of Jesus Christ is his bride wedded to him forever never to be separated from his love given to us by the seed of the woman! No greater honor can be bestowed on women that the submission of Mary to God to produce the seed Christ to defeat Satan! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com