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Christianity versus Darwin!
“It appears to me (whether right or wrong) that direct argument against Christianity and therein produce hardly any effect on the public: and freedom of thought is best produced by the gradual illumination of men’s minds which follow from the advancement of science.” Charles Darwin. Commentary: Just follow the science! We hear this everyday from our politicians! Uncle Joe a year ago said if we get the shots we will not get COVID! Uncle Joe has COVID! Numbers are now coming in that the side effects of the shots are increasing! Could the cure be worse than the disease? Only time will tell! I went into a doctor office yesterday and they told me get your mask on! I mentioned according to a big study at John Hopkins University that masks are useless against stopping the spread of COVID! They said yes we know but get your mask on! I see follow the political science! Darwin produced the bloodiest Century the 20th Century on record thus far! However we are not out of the 21st Century yet! His Anti-Christian theory spread over Europe in the late 19th Century and the early 20th Century! Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin were all Darwinists! They became atheists! The three Axis Power leaders of WWII were all Darwinists! Survival of the fittest! Socialist and Communists are Godless Darwinists! You would think that after all the blood and destruction Darwin would go away but he was then instituted with his teachings into our public schools in the 1960’s! God and his Christ was kicked out of schools through court decisions and the ideology of death and destruction under the mask of science began to influence our children away from God! Atheism became the science! Today we have one political party of Darwinists and one political party of Creationists! They are opposite each other in their ideology and the two will never meet! God created the sciences! He is the author of all sciences! He is greater than science but science is beneficial to our existence! We have the development of gas and oil to heat and cool our homes! We have light bulbs and LED lights to give us light at night! Because of natural gas we can produce fertilizers for out crops cheaply to give us lower food prices and a higher standard of living! The resources God has given us are for our benefit they are not our enemies! We benefit from them! God created the earth for the benefit of man! God did not as the Darwinist believe create man for the earth! No earth worship! No Green New Deal! God gave us the Green for our benefit! This self destructive war on energy is a war waged against the God of Creation himself! There are many casualties already with inflation killing Americans and Europe in the same trouble! Just follow the science? I will follow Jesus who raised the dead! No scientist can do that! But the creator of this world and the world to come can and will! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! ! Make up the rules as you go? Follow God’s rules and you will prosper! Abortion has created 62 million dead babies! Follow the science! Our new century the 21st got started with 9-11. Islam rejects Jesus as do the Darwinists! Follow Darwin and you will follow death! Follow Christ and it will lead you to life! Peace on earth and good will to men! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Ideologies that Oppose Christ! 2 Corinthians 11:3
Greek Translation: “But I am so frightened that you may run away from the truth, as the serpent deceived and beguiled Eve through his crafty and tricky words, so your perceptions and understanding should be corrupted from the pure and sincere faithfulness of Christ.” Commentary: The Apostle Paul as warning the Church that ideologies would rise up present and future that would oppose the truth! Caesar worship! State worship! Religious worship of the gods of this world! He was a visionary to prepare us for things to come! He saw Islam! He saw Darwin and Evolution coming! He saw Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito coming! He saw socialism and communism coming! He saw atheism coming! He saw Putin coming! Principalities and powers of darkness surrounding the church in every generation! As the early Church withstood the persecution from the Roman government so we must prepare for the persecution of the church coming here in America! We must focus on the truth of Christ and his light to guide us through the dark night coming to America! In any culture when the truth is believed as a lie and the lie is believed as the truth we enter into a place called Hell. Hell on earth! Paul was encouraging us to embrace Christ the truth and the life here and to come! Every generation has to decide between truth and deception! Read and study your Bible and it will guard your mind against the lies and deceptions of this age! James & Hamsa Sasse.
“Dante Alighieri addresses the topic of his De Vulgari eloquentia (1302-1305 A.D.). He argues that the Adamic language is of divine origin and therefore unchangeable. He also notes that according to Genesis, the first speech act is due to Eve, addressing the serpent, and not to Adam.” Commentary: You cannot help noticing after being married almost 50 years that sometimes over those years you cannot help to wonder if your wife first talked to Satan before asking your opinion? This old saint may be on to something? I do not have time right now to discuss what the great theologians such as Augustine and others thought about first language spoken on earth, Tower of Babel languages, Abraham and his language and tongues and what language is spoken today in heaven? These issues have been debated over the centuries and are interesting for those that have an interest in the scriptures! James & Hamsa Sasse.
The IRS! Just the Facts!
For the past year the IRS has audited 51 percent of Americans making 75 thousand dollars or less! The big guy Joe is going after the little guy! Trump a big guy is for the little guy! That is why they hate him so much! He is not one of them! The little guys and gals go to the gas pump and the grocery store and have figured out for themselves Joe is not for them! That explains the raid on Trump by the FBI and Justice Department! They want to be sure he can never run again for President! But like the Russian hoax and impeachment hoax that went on for four years they will fail! Big Joe adding 87 thousand more IRS agents is going to assure the little guy is going to get squeezed even more to fund their liberal policies! With the influx of over two million illegals across our southern border wages will fall more with competition from these people in the labor market! The little guy working at a fast food restaurant will make even less money! The single mom with two kids in day care working at Wendy’s will get an audit! She cannot afford the tax attorney or a tax accountant like the one or two percent rich! Ninety Eight percent of IRS union members donate to the Democrat Party! So they will be looking for conservatives and Trump supporters to audit! I have warned the Church before of the dangers of a weaponized government going after political opponents before and they will use the 501c registered organizations and their supporters to help them find you for targeting! We are living in perilous times but look up for our redemption draweth nigh! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Observation on Biden Administration!
The American people write to my office here in Washington about the Biden Administration everyday! What their observation is that the Biden Administration never makes the same mistake twice! They make the same mistake over and over at least five or six times! Senator John Kennedy
Truth About FBI Raid on Trump!
Sowing & Reaping! 2 Corinthians 9:6
“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; but he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully.” Commentary: The key here is hidden in the Greek root word for our English word bountiful! This word bountiful means a blessing from God! Not that you are so smart to double your money or get ahead by craft but having enough faith in what God says to do to be granted his blessings! This blessing satisfies completely! People that get more want more! The vicious cycle never ends! Sowing begins with your tithes and offerings that belong to God! You acknowledge his ownership of your life! You are not your own you are bought with a price! If you try to cheat God you get cheated! Without God you work hard but never get ahead! Your money bag has holes in it! But give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and overflowing! God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that he who believeth in him shall never perish but have everlasting life! God is a giver! Satan is a taker! God gives life at birth! Satan takes life through abortion! Satan takes life through unbelief in God and his word! Satan steals! He lies! God is truth and rewards those who follow him! Who are you investing in? God has already invested in you at the Cross now you by faith must invest your life in him! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Invest in his church! His work here on earth! His blessings exceed any gain you may achieve in this life! His blessings last forever! Not affected by the economy, politics, stock market, plagues, even your health! Even your age young or old! His blessings are independent of circumstances! God living in you is independent of other people’s opinion of you! The world may hate you because of Christ but he holds the future of everyone! They can put you in prison as they did Paul but he wrote chapters of your Bible from prison! They can put you in a prison camp like they did with John on Patmos but after his day job in a rock quarry he had a night job writing the Book of Revelation! Thy will be done thy Kingdom come! Do you have enough faith to sow some seeds into the Kingdom of God? To invest your God given resources back to him so he can multiply it into souls rescued from the fire! Invest the life he has given you back into himself? Without faith it is impossible to please God! Are you a giver or a taker? It takes no faith to be a taker! Only a carnal mind without God! You only need enough faith to believe in God and then to act like God! James & Hamsa Sasse.