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White People are the Problem?
Do You Believe in Miracles?
Depending on what sources you find there are anywhere between one and eight percent of the United States population are millionaires. In our Congress there are over 50 percent are millionaires! So how do they get to be millionaires on a government salary? To be fair we have Pastors here in America that are millionaires! How do you get to be a millionaire on a Pastor’s salary? Some live in lavish lifestyles with mansions and private jets! However some do not. It is not for me to figure out the morality of these people for many do good things! The point here is you now believe in miracles! I have talked to God about winning the lottery! I told God I could do so many good things if I would win the lottery to help people! Then Jesus spoke up and reminded me of his saying that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven! Then I tried to think of what happens to many who become rich? It is illustrated by a big cookie jar! After your cookie jar is full you reach in first and help yourself to almost all the cookies and leave just a few for others! This is human nature and Jesus warned us to listen to him because we do not really know ourselves! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Sooner or Later! John 4:13-14
Jesus replied to the Samaritan woman at the well, “But whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again. But whosoever drinks of the water I shall give you shall never thirst again and the water that I shall give you shall be a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” Commentary: This well is a fountain gushing up inside of you supplying new life to you! Jesus is a life giving doctrine! Medicine for the soul! An emblem of the highest enjoyment! This splendor is everlasting! Everlasting eternal not affected by time! Not transitory or temporary! It is all the saved up blessings of divine revelation! It has neither beginning nor end! Whether the miraculous blessings of heaven or the everlasting fires of hell world without end! Sodom and Gomorrah were examples of the fires from heaven! Monkeypox is the fire from heaven on the homosexual community just as HIV is! Jesus tells us to repent from sin and have the everlasting life not the wages of sin that is death! So what is this life that is everlasting? Life of the spirit and the soul! The eternal part of us! The foundation of our existence! Distinguished from our physical life! A life received as the highest and best of Christ! Author of everything beautiful as opposed to death! It is the highest blessedness of the creature. The Samaritan woman discovered the revelation Jesus had of her entire life even the five husbands she had and the guy she was presently living with! He knew everything about her! All her hidden sin and Jesus knows the same about all of us! Yet Jesus offered her his eternal life never to thirst again for the temporary pleasures of this life! She exchanged her wicked past for a eternal future of the promises of eternal life today and forever! Do you want this making heaven sooner and hell never to come later? Then trust Jesus now and forever rather than the passing temporary promises of this world and the failures of men who sacrifice you to prop up their temporary ideologies opposed to Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Holy Spirit? (continued)
John 3:5 “Jesus answered, Verily, Verily or Truely I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” Jesus gets more specific here than in verse three! Not only will you not understand the things of God but you will not be able to enter into the Kingdom! Well I though just being saved was enough? Need I go any further? Is not Jesus enough? How can we accept Jesus but yet reject the rest of the Trinity? The Trinity was involved in the creation of this world! Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River! Then the Holy Spirit fell on Jesus! The Father saying this is my beloved Son who I am well pleased! At Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples with power and authority! Unity came! No longer Babylon with the division of languages but they understood each other and even spoke each others language! Well Jesus is just enough for me? Well you can have one part of the Trinity but why not get the whole deal! Can you live on one third part of your salary? One part of your house and food? One third of your retirement? Can you fly in one third part of your airplane! Will one third of your heart pump enough blood to survive? Would one third of your education be enough? Is Jesus just bail out money for you? If the thief on the Cross had been baptized and received the Holy Spirit in his life he would not have been up on the Cross! Is one third of your car enough for you? Well my mommy baptized me when I was a baby! So she told me that! You cannot be obedient to God by the will of another! You have to take responsibility for your life! Without faith it is impossible to please God! People foolishly fight God and wonder why they lose? If water baptism and the Holy Spirit is good enough for Jesus is it good enough for me? Yes! How about you? James & Hamsa Sasse,
Born Again? John 3:3
Jesus replied to Nicodemas, “Very truly I tell you, no one can “see” the kingdom of God unless they are “born” “again.” Commentary: What did Jesus mean here? The first Greek word used is the word “see”. This word used here in the Greek does not mean by eyesight but means to perceive or understand! Without being born again you will not be able to understand what is going on you will have no revelation! You will not be able to connect the dots! You will not be able to understand the times and seasons that we are in! You will not have a radar! You will be flying in the dark with no instruments! You will be blinder than a bat! The scriptures will not make sense to you? You will be baffled by world events! You will be fearful lacking the God given revelation available to you yet you only trust your own knowledge! Your gas tank will be empty! You will assume ignorance must be bliss! Notice here Jesus is explaining this to us and Nicodemas before the Cross! Jesus did not tell us we cannot be saved just that you will not understand the times and the scriptures! The thief on the Cross was saved but was he born again? As far as we can tell from scriptures no! He had never read a Bible verse in his life! Now let us take “born again” one word at a time! This will help you and me! The word “born” in the Greek means to be born from above! We are all born from below but many not from above! The word “again” means from the beginning! From before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden! Before sin! In the perfect state before the rebellion! In perfect harmony with God! No separation! In union with him! We can be saved yet not born again! However we then have limited access to God! Why not get the whole deal! In our next post we will go to verse five where Jesus presents the cure and how to get born again! He gives the solution to our problem! James & Hamsa Sasse.
What is a White Supremist?
According to President Biden and Attorney General Garland this is a greater threat to us than Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Taliban and Al qaida! More dangerous than a Jihadist with a bomb strapped to his back in a crowded movie theater or in a church! According to our Department of Injustice they are Trump supports! Millions of our own citizens are by definition the enemies of the State! What about black people who voted for Trump? According to Biden they are not black! You are an it! Are Asians brown supremists? Do we have red and yellow supremists? So what would be the definition according to Jill Biden of a Taco Supreme? It would be a Mexican who voted for Trump! The optics are clear if you still support Trump then your residence will be raided by the FBI just like his personal residence was invaded by armed soldiers! Let it be clear to Biden and his cronies I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and I will again in 2024! You see I do not want my America turned into a Banana Republic for too many Americans have laid down their lives on the field of battle over our history for the freedom I have and I will not relinquish those freedoms for your tyranny! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Just Out of The Blue?
“I never gave up Christianity until forty years of age.” Charles Darwin. Commentary: This quote of his has some missing links! That is there is no narrative to support his decision? Was he always saved from his birth? Did he get saved at 39 years of age and then forsake Christ or was he really never a follower of Christ? Did he ever go to church? Did he tithe and give offerings to the church? Did he go to the mission field? Where is the evidence he was a Christian! What was his reason for leaving at age 40? Did make off with another man’s wife at age 40? Did he rob a bank at age 40? If he really believed in Jesus why the betrayal? This is not scientific! Was the government going after him because he was a Trump supporter? In our Bible we have good narratives of why most chose to follow Jesus and a few that betrayed him. Peter was an uneducated fisherman who left his occupation and began to follow Jesus! However the night of Jesus betrayal Peter got cornered and was asked if he was also a follower of Jesus? Peter was afraid! The government is persecuting my leader what will they do to me? Crucify me? Jesus even predicted Peter would deny him when Peter claimed he would not even cutting off the ear of one of the raiding party members of the religious leaders that had come to get Jesus! Jesus had to put the guy’s ear back and rebuked Peter at his efforts to save him! Then after Jesus resurrection from the dead Jesus found the disciples hiding out and he rebuked their unbelief yet took them back to train them as missionaries before his ascension back to heaven! Peter became the leader of the Jerusalem Church and near the end of his life the Roman government took him to Rome and crucified him for being a Christian! However some 300 years later the Roman government adopted Christianity as their State religion! We have another example of Judas Iscariot! Jesus also predicted his betrayal however he told him he would wish he had never been born! Abortion would have been better for him! Judas betrayed Jesus for money! Still goes on a lot here in America! It was greed! He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver! The religious leaders paid him off to single him out on their raid in the middle of the night! Judas had the same problem as Darwin and so many others! They believed that Jesus was just as evil as they are! A deception of Satan! A lie from Satan! God is no good! It is the old narrative back in the Garden of Eden! Surely God did not say? God is a liar! Do not believe him? He is no good just like me! Judas went back to the Jewish leaders to return the money but they refused to accept it! It is the price of blood! God is very different from us! He is love! He sacrificed himself for us! He has forgiven us even though we do not deserve it! He loves us even though we are evil! He paid the price for our sin! To save us from ourselves! He holds our future and we must commit ourselves and our future to him! Heaven or hell? One of two places are reserved for us! But it is our choice! We decide! Follow Jesus and he will lead you to heaven! Follow Darwin and he will lead you to hell! The choice is up to you! Believing there is no God is the path of Darwin! James & Hamsa Sasse.
A Damnable Doctrine? John 3:16
“I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that men who do not believe, and that would include my father, brother and almost all my family, will be everlastingly punished and this is a damnable doctrine.” Charles Darwin. Commentary: Life boils down to who do you follow? You have to either follow Jesus or Charles Darwin! You cannot have it both ways! You cannot ride the fence in the Kingdom of God! Some in the church in the name of popularity try to have it both ways? Just like the issues of homosexuality and transgenderism! What does your Bible say about these issues? This is your gold standard! When you follow Jesus you love God and people! What in history do the followers of Darwin do? Kill and destroy! Anarchy thrives where there is no penalty for sin! We are witnessing this in America by the steep rise in crime across our cities here in America! Darwin has been taught in our public schools across America for the past 50 years! So are we surprised at the outcomes? The actions in Washington D.C. by some politicians against Americans their own people using the weapons of the State to go after citizens just because they do not agree with them sends a signal that they do not really believe there is a God that they will one day have to answer to! Followers of Jesus know there is a day of judgment coming for all! None are exempt! However God’s love is that he took our sin upon himself on a cruel bloody Cross for our sin! To accept his love brings his forgiveness! Jesus paid the price for your sin! You cannot pay for your own sin only judgment is your reward! What is damnable is to reject the love of God! For men to humble themselves and admit their sin against God and man in their pride seems to be a difficult choice to make? It is easier to say I do not need you! I can make it on my own? You can be everlastingly punished or everlastingly redeemed! Do you want Darwin or Jesus? I have decided to follow Jesus! The Cross before me the world behind me! Have you decided to follow Jesus? James & Hamsa Sasse.
Dr. Wannabe Diet & Exercise Plan!
He is a renowned Dietician and Exercise Guru from Eastern China! As the doctor says you can always make improvements unless you are dead! His plan is easy, effective and will improve every aspect of your life including your sex life! Doctor Wannabe is 150 years old according to the Chinese calendar! His wife is only 24 years old according to the western calendar! When we asked her what she liked best about Doctor Wannabe she said she likes his money! The plan includes reduced capacity utensils sent to your door with free shipping! He has learned that you can exercise by only using a spoon and a fork! That is a reduced capacity spoon and fork! This genius invention requires more exercise as you have to make more effort to fork the food to your mouth! It requires more scoops to get the same effect! Also included in the package are some chop sticks which require more effort to eat your food! Also included are downsized plates and saucers! This will require you to make more trips to the ice box to get the same food! Build back better! Follow the science! Part of the Green New Deal is to do more with less! Uncle Joe wants you to park your car forever but Doctor Wannabee says why not park your clothes dryer forever! In the same kit he has included a solar powered clothes dryer a 3 foot long clothes line dryer where you can hang your clothes out in the sun to dry! Save energy and save the planet! Some of the conservative diet and exercise plans require only a few hundred dollars per year for enrollment into their programs! However Doctor Wannabee is a liberal so in order to save the planet he wants you to send in all your money to him! It is like Joe says to suffer now to benefit later! Please send your funds to Dr. Wannabee & Suzi, P.O. Box 123456654321, Manchuria, China.