Dead Man in a Recliner! John 12:2

“Here a dinner was given in Jesus honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.”: Commentary: Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead! To honor him they invited Jesus over for a celebration dinner! Martha served! Remember after Lazarus died Martha told Jesus he was too late for he has been in the grave for four days! His body stinks! But Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave anyway! At this dinner Martha took an expensive bottle of perfume and anointed the feet of Jesus for saving her brother from the dead! This perfume was worth one year wages! So after Jesus resurrection from the dead many were not surprised when this event happened! Jesus authority over death was displayed before the Cross! Jesus has promised to raise everyone from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment! Did Lazarus believe Jesus could raise him from the dead? No! He got the benefit because his family had a close relationship to Jesus! After you die you will stand before Jesus! What will you say? It is what Jesus will say because he will either say well done thy good and faithful servant or depart from me for I never knew you worker of iniquity! So later we see who tried to break up this party? Judas Iscariot a disciple of Jesus! The money minded disciple! He said we could have sold this costly perfume and given the money to the poor! Would Judas have given the money to the poor? Hell no! Judas was bound for hell and the love of money was his poison! He later betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver! Jesus prophesized Judas betrayal and said it would have been better he had not been born! His mother should have gotten an abortion! Judas tried to repent to the wicked religious leaders and tried to return the money to them but they refused! Notice he did not go to Jesus to repent but rather the wicked like himself! Do not ever try to repent to Satan! He will condemn you! So Judas went out and hung himself! When you reject Christ you reject your salvation! What is left? Hell where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not! Even if you took your rope to hell it would be burned up there! The moral of the story here is to trust Jesus! If you are a Darwinist and you believe you came from a monkey well then anything is possible! If you come from a monkey then you trust yourself! You can do business with a monkey but he cannot save you! To trust in ourselves is the biggest mistake you will ever make! To trust creator of heaven and earth is the wisest decision you will ever make! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Character of the Anti-Christ! Daniel 11:37

“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire for women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Commentary: The Prophet Daniel gives a vivid picture of the coming Anti-Christ who will rule over the entire world during the end time seven year tribulation period climaxed by the return or second coming of Jesus Christ back to the earth! Notice he will not regard the God of his fathers! That is just as Jesus is a Jew so will be the Anti-Christ! It is part of his deception! Next he has no desire for women so he will be a homosexual! He will falsely claim well Jesus did not marry so he must be a homosexual? He also has no desire for any god! He is a Darwinist or an atheist! He will magnify himself above all! He will demand worship! His ego will be so great he will make Tom Brady look like a whimp! Did you ever notice something strange about American culture especially if you have any age on you where you witnessed the earlier culture as profoundly different? What used to be condemned is now celebrated! What used to be celebrated is now condemned! Homosexuality, lesbianism, gay marriage, transgenderism, abortion all condemned by God in both the Old and New Testaments is today celebrated? Child birth is no longer celebrated but abortion is? We were once proud to be an American with sovereign borders but today illegal immigrants are celebrated by our government but patriotism is not? The illegal use of drugs killing hundreds of thousands of our youth every year is now celebrated as good! Everything is upside down! In the next verse 38 it says the anti-Christ will honor the God of forces! What is this? The State persecuting it’s own citizens! Biden had a back drop of the military as he condemned Trump supporters as fascists and Nazi’s! He has labeled parents who have concerns about evil teachings in our public schools as terrorist! American citizens are his biggest enemy? We will use the State, IRS, FBI and now the latest threat the military will come after you if you support Trump! This is the God of force Daniel was prophesizing in the last days! The government turns on it’s own people! If you read Chapter 11 you will see more descriptions of this Anti-Christ soon to appear on the scene! Jesus promised to never leave us nor forsake us! The thief on the Cross found out this truth! What else is now condemned that once was celebrated in American culture? Jesus Christ! That will be the last nail pounded into the coffin of the Anti-Christ and his followers! Who do you celebrate? Christ or the Anti-Christ? Who do you worship? Christ or the Anti-Christ! Your present and eternity depends on your choice! James & Hamsa Sasse.

To Know Him is to Follow Him! John 10:4

“And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him; for they know his voice.” Commentary: Look it is easy for me to follow Jesus because he rescued me off my death bed as a young man! It was an easy decision for me to make! We are going to look at two Greek words in this passage for our English words “follow” and “know”. To follow Jesus means a decision based on a spiritual and moral relationship to him! It is an immediate response without delay or second thoughts! The evidence of his love is overwhelming! It is beyond reason! It is incomprehensible yet reality! Jesus calls individuals not crowds! You follow him in relationship to him! If you do not follow him then you have no relationship to him! You know him and he knows you! By fellowship with Jesus salvation is acquired! We follow his example! He has forgiven us we forgive others! His love for us has won our trust and obedience! We can count on his promises and he will never fail us! We follow him because he has prepared a place for us in heaven! We are sheep in his pasture here on earth and in heaven! My sheep hear my voice! We deny self to follow him! We subdue our flesh that wars against him! His self denial led him to the Cross for me! We share in his suffering both inwardly and outwardly! Following Jesus is an outward appearance of an inward act! A moral response to his love for us! We cannot deny the one who gave himself for us! We follow his love! It is an independent act to a corporate heaven! Our time and history past present and future are surrendered to him! Now let us move on to the word “know”. This word means to know him through experience! You know as a man if you had a picture of a beautiful Hollywood actress hanging on your wall dressed in a bikini you might think you knew her? However if you spent a night with her in her mansion bedroom you might have a completely different idea of her based on your experience! Your theology will never be a reality until you experience the love of Jesus who sacrificed his love for you! Yes true love is sacrificial! That is why the religious leaders of today and of Jesus day are so cold! A knowledge of God without God! To know him to experience his love and the word became flesh and dwelt among men! A reality based upon his word! You can vote for people for public office but you will never really know them! In fact after they get into office you might wish you had never voted for them! They are screwing things up! Jesus is not running for public office! He is the office! He is creator of heaven and earth! He conquered death just for you! You cannot vote him in or out of office! Jesus is always the same! Never changes with the tide! Does not matter what generation always true! He will never leave you nor forsake you! He exposes the lies of men and the truth of his Godhead! Who knows more about your motor vehicle than you? The manufacturer! Jesus created you and he knows more about you than you yourself do! That is why you need the Savior! That is why he came to earth to die on a Cross for you! If you will come to know him you will surely follow him! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Tribute to my Military Commander Salvatore Villano 1938-2022

As a rule, he fights well who has wrongs to redress; but vastly better fights he who, with wrongs as a spur, has also steadily before him a glorious result in prospect–a result which can discern balm for wounds, compensation for valor, remembrance and gratitude in the event of death. General Lew Wallace, Union Armies, 1865

Success on Trial ! Donald Trump

A man is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good fortune! Union General Lew Wallace, Author Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ 1880, Best selling American Novel of the 19th Century. Commentary: If you do not believe this statement then just ask Donald Trump! Successful American’s past or present are just not popular anymore? They tear down their statues and remove their books from the libraries of America! Fascism is on the rise! The State is promoted over individual liberties of the individual! Biden has called Trump supporters Nazi’s? Really? This is the pot calling the kettle black! He is so desperate to hold on to power his puppet masters will do anything to stay in power! Using the State the IRS and the FBI as weapons to go after political opponents! I voted for Donald Trump but am I a Nazi? No! Biden is saying we will punish you by the weapons of the State if you support Donald Trump! These are the very tactics the Nazi’s used! Fear and intimidation of the population using the power of the State to try to get a favorable political outcome! To stay in power! Absolute power! The Nazi’s were Darwinists! Survival of the fittest! But it goes much deeper than this! You see if you believe you evolved from a primate or an ape then killing a human being is just like killing an animal! Human life has no value except to sacrifice those lives to remain in absolute power! The better species will survive and we will eventually end up with a population just like ourselves! A Nazi! It took the Christian world including the sons and daughters of Americans on the battlefield of Europe to deliver the world from the Darwinist Nazi’s! So then after all that Darwin is taught in American classrooms starting in the 1960’s a pseudo-science and now we have the ideology back in a political party the same party Union General Lew Wallace had to war against to deliver the slaves from the Democrat Party! Then President Lincoln assassinated by a southern sympathizer Booth! Trump supporters are Creationists! That is we believe God created man in his image! In his likeness! Therefore life has importance and meaning! We believe abortion the killing of children is murder! We believe sexual mutilation of children promoting transgender ideologies is wrong! We believe success coming from hard work and not the government handouts from socialism brings dignity to the human race! The old saying the harder I work the luckier I get rings true! Not by theft through socialism and handouts but the opportunity to work with dignity and the opportunity to invent things that relieve human suffering! Are all the statues of Lew Wallace torn down now? Great Americans statues all torn down today? That is what the Nazi’s would do! By the way we are to forgive our enemies as Christ has forgiven us! Something strange to the ear’s of the Darwinist! Forgive and not revenge? The only ideology that promotes unity not division! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Wisdom! II Chronicles 1:12

“Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give you riches and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings had that have been before thee, neither shall have after thee shall have.” Commentary: Is God talking about me again? Solomon was a humble man! Notice it was a prayer not about show me the money and the women then I will serve you! The thorn in my flesh is I am allergic to money and women! Lord help me win the lottery and then I will serve you! Let’s make a deal? What is wisdom? The Hebrew word is an all encompassing word! The word includes military strategy, diplomacy, knowledge, judgment, intelligence, insight, experience, shrewdness, craftmanship, prudent, cunning, clever, morality and a sensitivity to spiritual matters! It is everything you cannot find in Washington D.C. today! This word wisdom in the Hebrew is very practical! It is based upon what God has said about good and evil. About right and wrong! It is wisdom applied to our daily lives! Solomon took the wisdom God gave him to build a Temple or House for God here on earth! A dwelling place for God where his people could worship him! This Temple was laced with gold and silver and the work of craftsmen according to Biblical instructions! A glorious Temple not matched by anyone who lived before him! Yet Solomon a man got distracted from his purpose! He acquired 700 wives and 300 hundred girl friends! Some of these ladies were idol worshippers and influenced Solomon to build shrines to their gods! The Kingdom was weakened and the culture! This Temple about 400 years later was destroyed by the Babylonians and the Jews suffered one hundred thousand killed and went into captivity to Babylon for 70 years! The Temple was rebuilt yet Jesus later predicted not one stone would stand and in 70 A.D the Temple was destroyed by the Romans taking all the gold and silver back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves who built the Roman Colosseum! So what happened in the Colosseum? Christians were martyred! When Jews are persecuted the Christians are next according to history! The Lord said in first John I am building a Temple not made with hands! A Jew named Jesus had to be nailed to a Roman Cross to deliver us from evil! His wisdom exceeds the wisdom of man! He will never misuse the wisdom he has received because he is more than a man! He is God in the flesh! We are to love good and hate evil! Wisdom is to distinguish the difference between them overcoming evil with good! The scriptures clearly tell us what is evil and what is good! History has shown us all men are evil and need a Savior! Wisdom is to receive the Savior who can deliver us from the evil that so easily besets us! James & Hamsa Sasse.

New IRS Agent Hire Requirements!

1. A fervent deep seated hatred for Christian conservatives! 2. A long Democrat voting history! 3. Five years of Karv Maga martial arts experience! 4. A martial arts level of fitness to perfect a choke hold on some unsuspecting tax payer! 5. Must derive pleasure from human suffering! 6. Comfortable with firing squad style executions! 7. Unable to think for yourself! 8. Ability to use force lightening preferred but not required! 9. Cheered for Agent Smith in “The Matrix.” 10. Must hate children! 11. Proficient in telling people off who tell you to mind your own business! 12. Passionate about auditing Etsy Moms selling crafts to try to make ends meet! 13. Fluent in German, goose stepping experience is a plus and be willing to wear arm bands and uniforms! 14. Comfortable at firing RPG’s at the horde of conservative activists with tax discrepancies! 15. Previous waterboarding experience! Ex-Gitmo guards receive a 10 point preference veterans only. 16. Pass a psychological exam to determine if you sympathize with the government while watching Jason Bourne movies! 17. Shoot first mentality towards tax payers and no math skills required! 18. Able to lie to Congress and take the 5th where necessary! Source: The Babylon Bee.

Come Holy Spirit! John 7:38-39

“He that believeth on me, as the scriptures hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. But this spoke he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.” Commentary: Not to get tangled in the weeds we will look at the four Greek words used in these two passages. Jesus said he that believeth! So what does believe mean? We all have some understanding of this word. A believer is someone who gives credit to Christ with a mental persuasion and confidence with no wavering! We are all human so sometimes we do waver because the flesh will war against the spirit of God! As Peter did we repent as we establish the faith to believe Jesus is who he says he is! Jesus said to believe according to the scriptures! WOW! So we just do not believe anything about him but according to the scriptures! If we do not know the scriptures then Satan can throw any lie about Jesus to us and then we would believe a lie about God! That happened once before in the Garden of Eden! So what are the scriptures? We get our word graph from this Greek word! A graph is a picture that tells a story! The Words of Jesus display two lines on this graph! One line goes up to heaven on the chart and one lines descends to hell with earth in between! The scriptures are the God breathed words of Jesus! The scriptures also can mean carved or engraved! The Ten Commandments were engraved into stone by the finger of God! They are permanent you cannot erase them! Some might joke this is where the stone age began! The scriptures render God’s authority over his Creation! Man may rebel but he has the last say! His words judge everyone and everything for either redemption or judgment! No one escapes! Then Jesus says if you believe me according to my words or scripture then something miraculous will happen! Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water! What is living? Living means the scriptures the present and eternity will come together! They will meet inside of your soul! The very cause of your life will reveal himself to you! It is a quickening spirit! A warm fuzzy feeling that cannot be explained away! It is beyond any earthly experience! You cannot explain it and all your words are inadequate to do so! It is miraculous! A living being the Holy Spirit has entered your soul! Yet the God that has done this lives independent of you! You can offend him and you cannot control him! You can choose to love him! All life is derived from His life! We live his life justified by his death on a Cross! We live constantly under the power and influence of His Holy Spirit! That is the Ghost or his Spirit! The Spirit of God gives man the ability to think correctly about God! The lies about him are sorted out and the truth rules your soul! Satan cannot lie about him and get away with it because you know the scriptures! Through the scriptures you recognize God but also recognize Satan for who he is! Revelation comes! Deception is exposed! Without faith it is impossible to please God! His Spirit confirms our faith in him! It is evidence of the truth of his word! His promises to us! The souls of men are influenced by evil but not by the Spirit of God! The Spirit is a divine gift for service to man and God! The spirit is the breath of God! A rushing wind invisible yet powerful! He can be everywhere at once! That is why Jesus promised him to believers because Jesus still had human limitations while here on earth! He could not be everywhere at once! Not even superman can do that! The Holy Spirit only identifies with believers in Christ! He is the invisible immortal part of man! A new life that is opposed to unclean spirits and demons! Our last Greek word is glorified! Jesus is telling us the Holy Spirit will not come until after I am glorified! What did he mean? Something would happen that would cause people to recognize his power and authority over life and death! The Cross! The resurrection from the dead! His ascension back to heaven! Jesus is the revelation and manifestation of all that God is! I have to admit after serving Christ for almost 50 years I still get more revelation about him everyday as I study his word the Holy Scriptures! We all need to start somewhere! Like his disciples with all their failures they began to trust Christ and he did great things in their lives! They lived with purpose and died with purpose! Their eternity is held by him! You cannot go up until you go down and surrender your life to him! The life he has given you as a gift! James & Hamsa Sasse.