Last Will & Testament! 2 Timothy 4:1-2

“I charge thee before God and witnesses and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead at his appearing manifesting himself and his Kingdom in heaven. Preach the Gospel with intelligent speech; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort calling him to your side with all long suffering and doctrine as a good teacher.” Commentary: Would these words spoken by the Apostle Paul be your last instructions to your family and the church before your departure? If you knew you only had a month to live would you do anything different today? Would you make a will to protect your family? Would you take out a life insurance policy? Increase your coverage? Would you make that last mortgage or car payment? Would you sell your house and your car! Would you visit a mortuary to prepare for your death? Would you dump trash on your neighbor’s lawn? Would you do good or evil? Would you get even with someone or would you forgive them? Would you take out a loan? Would you do something I thought I could get away with now! My father told me at age 87 that he was too old to lock up so I can do what I want to do now? I did not ask him what that was? Rob a bank? Rape a woman? Kill my long hated relative? Get even with my ex-spouse? Become a suicide bomber? It would all depend on what kind of a future you believed you had! What kind of a future after this life? Should I be cremated or buried? Was Jesus cremated? I cannot understand the Green New Deal folks? So many contradictions! Cremation takes fossil fuels! Then the smoke from the crematory entering our atmosphere! Global warming on steroids! What we believe about our future is predicated on what we believe today! People with no hope do bad things! So what is lasting what is eternal! It has to be something outside of ourselves! What can I give you that will outlast me? Faith in the God I serve! That is what my grandparents did for me! The material things they left are all gone but the faith in Christ the living God they planted in me will live on in me long after I am gone from here! In fact forever! The Apostle Paul understood this and instructed his young disciple Timothy to prepare people for this life and for heaven! Preach the Gospel! Prepare the way in the wilderness of this life for others! Be a good teacher of the Gospel and be willing to suffer for it! Rebuke evil and teach sound doctrine! Our future depends on whether we prepare others for heaven! If Christ is a reality to me then I want to share him with others! My purpose is not to make money but to save souls! To point people to the Savior! God owns it all! I die to self so I may live for others! I do not sacrifice others for self but sacrifice myself for others! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! Paul understood this truth and was passing it on to young Timothy as he was passing the batan on to him before his departure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Cast Your Vote! Heaven or Hell? Matthew 7:13-14

“Enter into the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few be there that find it.” Commentary: With the midterm elections nearly behind us I believe the words of Jesus here might take on new meaning for some! What did Jesus mean by a strait gate? Well it is a narrow gate! So what makes it a narrow gate? The Greek word for strait means a gate that is full of obstacles! That is what makes it narrow! Obstacles like sin! Now to further clarify the Greek word for strait it has a root word in the Greek which means to take a stand which is Strong’s # 2476. So this narrow gate means you have to take a stand for something and also to stand against something! Stand up Stand up for Jesus as the old hymn goes! We take a stand against abortion and take a stand for life! We stand up for law and order and stand against crime! We stand for sovereignty of our nation an against illegal immigration! We stand for the safety of our youth and against illegal drugs brought in by illegal immigrants! We stand for the financial health of our nation and stand against debt which leads to inflation! Jesus said the broad gate or way leads to destruction! So what kind of destruction is Jesus talking about here? Let us go to the Greek word for destruction Strong’s # 684. It means a state or condition after death where exclusion from salvation is realized a reality separated from God eternally! This is why Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! This is why Satan so bitterly opposes this! He opposes it through political appointments not just in America but in every nation to craft laws to stop the spread of the Gospel! Their war is not against you but against Christ himself! I have mentioned this before but deserves honorable mention! Here in America the Jews are split fifty fifty between Democrats and Republicans! The orthodox Jews vote republican and the atheist Jews vote democrat! Their political position is determined by their spiritual condition! Jesus went on to say few will find the narrow gate! You will either take a stand for him or against him! Which gate you have entered is reflected by your political position! There are no obstacles to the road to hell! Jesus said resist the devil and he will flee from you! There are many obstacles as we reject the evil of this world! But Jesus said be of good cheer for I have overcome the world! He has defeated the sin that has so easily beset us! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Want to Join God’s Army? 2 Timothy 2:3-4

“Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that goes to war entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” Commentary: How many recruits would the army get with this advertisement? My military recruiter told me about the benefits! The chance to see and travel the world! Adventure! Dodging bullets! After 8 weeks of basic military training in San Antonio Texas in the heat of august in 1975 I figured out that my recruiter lied to me! I lost 30 pounds in 8 weeks there was no fat left in my body! My belt size was reduced by 4 inches! Those were the beginnings of my benefits! I got the G.I. Bill for education and just recently got a free burial site because I am a veteran! So what is the Apostle Paul telling his young recruit Timothy that he has to “endure hardness”? The Greek word used here in this scripture is Strong’s number 2553. It means to endure evil! To suffer evil at the hands of Satan and his followers! Satan’s disciples! Why would Satan get so upset at me following Jesus? I mean I am going out into the world and doing good for people! Why would that make Satan sweat? Because Jesus defeated Satan in the biggest Super Bowl contest between good and evil on the Cross of Calvary! Jesus took my sin on the Cross and nailed it there and left it there! Death was defeated the biggest enemy of men! Satan does not want me to point people to Jesus and find redemption as I have and be free from the bondages of sin! Satan does not want people free! Free from guilt and sin! He does not want people to experience the love of God for them and the pardon of their past and the promises from God of their future with him! Satan wants people to be buried in guilt with no hope of a future! Jesus is my Commanding Officer! Where he goes I will follow and what he tells me to do I will do! In the military if you do not please your Commanding Officer you get no promotions I can be separated by him out of the service! There are many benefits for pleasing your Commanding Officer! This life is short but eternity is forever! I want to follow Jesus in this life and in the one to come! How about you? Life never ends not in this life or the one to come! Eternity is a long time but to be separated from God in this life and the one to come is to endure hardness that no man can bare! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Man! Master of Women!

This was a new book out so this elderly man though finally I have a guide now for victory! So he stopped by a local bookstore and went up to the front desk where a young girl was working. Young lady there is a new book out titled Man! Master of Woman! Do you have a copy available? She pulled up the title on her computer screen and told him we just got a shipment in yesterday! Just go down to Section F about 10 isles down you will find a copy! They are located in our fiction section!

Green New Deal & Dummies!

Hey Germany is waking up! They are bull dozing down wind turbine farms to make way for expanded coal mining operations! They finally got smart! They are tired of freezing in the winter and roasting in the summer! They also do not want to buy oil from Putin and fund their wars of aggression! Do they like uncle Joe want to blame Putin for everything that goes wrong? Putin is a devil! At least he acts like one! Or maybe they are rejecting the Darwin Hitler loved that got them into WWII? They might be thinking Creation is the real science and God made these green acres for man and our planet worship scheme of the Green New Deal is a poverty promoter? If you support any Green New Deal candidates in your voting this November then poverty is your game! However I serve a God of prosperity for he created this earth for our benefit! If you really hate energy then put a lamp shade over our sun in the sky! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Name That Tune!

It has been said that Biden is the second coming of Jimmy Carter to the White House! This is prophetic! However these are two false Messiah’s! They promised us heaven and gave us hell! So what is new with politics? As promising contestants we give you a chance to name that tune in the funeral procession! The correct choice is: A. Inflation B. Insecure borders C. High crime D. High debt E. High Gas prices F. Hell on earth G. All the above The winner will have a chance to go to the polls and vote for more of the same or less of the same! Whether you like to win or lose at least vote for your choice and the kind of future you want! James & Hamsa Sasse.