The word thanksgiving appears first in your Bible in Leviticus 7:12 and last appears in Revelation 7:12. The Old Testament Hebrew word means to offer God praise for a sacrifice! The New Testament word thanksgiving in the Greek means to receive something as an expression of grace and accept it as one who does not deserve it. Both words point to the same thing! God made a sacrifice for us we do not deserve! We praise God because his love for us initiated the sacrifice! In the American Revolution George Washington proclaimed a day of official public thanksgiving and prayer! However it was not until October 3, 1863 that Abraham Lincoln officially codified Thanksgiving a holiday to be celebrated every year after the Union Army victory at Gettysburg! In the three days of battle at Gettysburg there were 7058 casualties! There were 33264 troops wounded and 10790 troops missing in action! At field hospitals around Gettysburg there were piles of amputated limbs that were buried together! Churches were pressed into service as hospitals! Lydia Smith, a black woman used what little money she had to hire a wagon and horses to gather donated goods delivered to both wounded Union and Confederate Troops! Elizabeth Thorn, wife of the owner of the largest cemetery in the area was pregnant yet she dug over a hundred graves herself! The list of hero’s is too long for room here! America became united that day because of sacrifices made! God unites us together today because of the sacrifice he made on a Cross for us in six hours of suffering! Our Civil War took over six hundred thousand casualties and millions more of our military who were willing to sacrifice for us in wars all over the globe! Is it too hard for us to sacrifice Sunday in worship to our King? The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! But it was the sacrifice of God himself for us that made redemption possible for all! One sacrifice for all and many sacrifices for one! America can never be united without a common sacrifice! After Gettysburg America became one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! Until America returns to our common sacrifice the guns will keep blazing away in our streets divided instead of united! God Bless America! I thank God for America! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Category: Uncategorized
Top 10 Church Attending States! 2022
Top 10: Utah, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, West Virginia, Louisiana, Virginia, Oklahoma, & Texas. Commentary: So what else do these states have in common? They are all red states! They vote Republican! So there is a correlation between church attendance and how you vote! This is most obvious in regards to the Jewish vote here in America! Their vote is split 50-50 between Orthodox Jews and Secular Jews! Orthodox Jews vote republican and the atheist Jews vote democrat. So are you curious what state came in last? Vermont! They are a blue state and vote democrat! Our spiritual condition determines what you will do and what you will not do and is reflected in how you vote! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Green New Deal’s Road to Poverty!
Leaders must see reality as it is, not what it ought to be! Benjamin Netanyahu. Commentary: Failed political ideologies often create new problems in the name of fixing old problems! Sometimes they make new problems in the name of perceived falsehoods like Global Warming! Our reserves of diesel fuel are at a all time low! That means if shortages begin your local grocery stores may not get their products for your kitchen table delivered! Our Green New Deal political supporters now say we must take the reserves of home heating oil from the Northeast States and use it for diesel fuel! That means many Americans in the Northeast States could not heat their homes this winter! Natural gas prices are rising rapidly! Electrical utilities are rising again and gasoline prices are beginning to rise again! Inflation continues to rise! Elections matter and if you put stupid people in charge of our nation you get stupid results! But this also is an on display condition of our electorate! Wisdom comes from God and there is an absence of wisdom among many of our leaders right now! Pray for our nation that our leaders turn to God and abandon the ideologies of Marx and socialism that have historically enlarged our world maps with poverty! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Trump Back on Twitter! Free Speech Wins!
Political Contradictions!
So if shutting down Russia’s oil pipeline is supposed to cripple their economy then why did Biden shut down our pipeline? Remember when politicians said Trump was going to crash the economy and start WWIII? Biden is doing that! After gas went from 2 bucks a gallon to 5 bucks a gallon Biden told me the economy is doing better now after Trump? Biden is sick and tired of being blamed for things he did! Vote for people who have had a real job and were successful at it! Then we will get different results! Voting for career politicians will only feed their incompetence and make your life hell on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Did Moses Get it Wrong?
We the Israel people always blame Moses, that he as our greatest leader and one of the most gifted people in the world. He brought us the moral code and so on, belief in one God, but then he was a bad navigator. He brought us to the only part of the Middle East without any gas, without any oil. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Commentary: God did not want to take the Jews to a place where they would trust in their own resources! God wanted them to trust in Him and God alone! He wanted the people to turn the desert into an oasis by trusting the God of Creation! Without Israel the Old Testament prophets could never have gotten it right where our Messiah was to be born and the time he was to be born! Jerusalem is the center of Israel and Israel is the center of the world! Israel is the center of the 3 major faiths of the world! As GDP per capita income the United States ranks 7th and Israel ranks 14th out of 192 countries! God wants them to use what they have and He will make them great! At Jesus second coming he will return to Jerusalem and to Israel! This is why the world with their best efforts to destroy Israel never will but will have to war against God himself! That is not a winner and all bets are off! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Second Amendment Advocate!
The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel! If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war! Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Commentary: Here is the American paraphrased version of his statement: “If law abiding Americans were to give up their arms there would be no more law abiding Americans left and if the American criminals gave up their guns there would be no more crime! James Sasse
God is Not Popular! Evil is!
History has shown us time and time again that what is right is not what is popular! Benjamine Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.
Truth is Costly! Jeremiah 26: 8, 24
“Now it came to pass, when Jeremaih had made an end of speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak unto all the people, that the priests and the prophets and all the people took him, saying, Thou shalt surely die.” “Nevertheless the hand of Ahikam the son of Shaphan was with Jeremiah, that they should not give him into the hand of the people to put him to death.” Commentary: Truth is costly! How many Americans have died to keep our freedoms? What is truth? Jesus was asked that many times! Jesus said I am the truth! Truth is the attributes of God! Faithfulness, love, peace, joy and sacrifice! Jesus means what he says and what he says he is! God in the flesh! His words are prophetic! They define your past and hold your future! Jeremiah is a true prophet! He tried to warn the King and the religious rulers of their coming captivity by Babylon by their rebellion against God for serving idols! So the leaders and the people wanted to kill him for telling the truth! When Jesus warned the people and the political leaders and the religious rulers for the need to repent of their sin they plotted to kill him! You would think truth would be popular but it is not but lies against truth are very popular! It is easy to believe a lie but challenging to the hearers to believe the truth! Just bring out the scriptures about homosexualism, transgenderism, gay marriage, gender dysphoria and watch the anger come against you for telling the truth! Talk about the God of creation opposing Darwin and watch the ire of the Devil rise up against you! Just go into the streets of America and into the Halls of Academia and preach the Gospel and you will be labeled a nut job! The truth wins but the carriers of truth pay a price! Truth is costly! Ahikam was made Governer of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon after he captured Jerusalem and influenced King Jehoiakim of Juda not to kill Jeremiah! However another Prophet Urijah in this same chapter warned King Jehoiakim the same fate as Jeremiah did yet the King beheaded him and buried him in a common grave! Church traditions says Jeremiah at the end of his life was stoned to death in Egypt by the Jews! Jesus warned us that eternal death awaits those who reject his redemption for our sin offered by him at his sacrifice for us! We must share the truth or otherwise we do not value the truth! Our purpose is not to win a popularity contest! We are to proclaim the truth regardless of the cost! We are saved by his truth! Truth is embodied in a person the God/man Christ! The truth will set you free! To trust God we must believe that he is and a rewarder of those that follow him! Jesus said I have gone to prepare a place for you! Eternal separation from God is the price paid to reject truth! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Rocket Scientist Cannot Do Math! Revelation 7:9-14
About 33 percent of the world’s population are Christian. One half are Catholic and the rest from Protestant traditions. This is an average for some countries have more and some less. The largest country of Christians is the United States at about 70 percent or 243 million people. Nearly one in four or 25 percent are religiously unaffiliated! They name his name when politically advantageous but do not follow him! They do not follow the scriptures! According to available data the global Christian population was 40 thousand in AD 150. It grew to 218 thousand in A.D. 200. Then to 1.17 million in A.D. 250. By the end of the 5th Century the global Christian population was 10-11 million. According to the Pew Research Center there were more than 2.2 billion Christians around the world in 2010, more than 3 times as many as the 600 million recorded in 1910. However this growth was slower than the overall population growth over the same period. According to various scholars and other sources the high birth rates and conversions in the global south were cited for reasons of Christian population growth. The Global south includes Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. The Christian population in Germany in 1933 was 100 percent! Of the 60 million Germans 20 million were Catholic and 40 million were Protestant. The Jewish population in Germany in 1933 was less than 1 percent. So the question that begs to be asked is how did the socialism ideology replace the Christian ideology? How did the Nazi’s come to power? Here is a quote from Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform: “We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the State, insofar as they do not jeopardize the State’s existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the German race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good.” This quote from the Nazi Party Platform is socialism in a nut shell! What was the message here? You can have your church just do not interfere with what the State is doing! Do not question us! Confess what you believe but do not confess what you believe when it come to the business of the State! Do not call out German culture! Jewish materialism is capitalism! Wealthy Jews that made their money creating businesses that benefit people! Like Elon Musk who now the Biden Administration says needs to be investigated! Never mind he owns Space-X and got billions of dollars from the American government for space exploration but he purchased Twitter where free speech is being restored and that is a threat to the political left! Investigate Musk just like Trump! The last part of this Nazi Socialist doctrine is the most revealing! Permanent recovery can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good! Individuals must be sacrificed for the good of the State! Jesus died for individuals not the State! Under the Biden Administration individual Americans have become the enemies of the State! Hillary Clinton said it takes a village to raise a child! That is the State must do our job! Individual parents must not interfere with their public education and let the State raise your kids teaching them Anti-Christian values! We pay the church in America through the 501c tax exemption so shut up and look the other way! Many Pastors died in Nazi Germany opposing Hitler! Hitler claimed he was a Christian? But after he came to power everything changed! What percentage of Christian am I? Twenty percent? Fifty percent? One hundred percent? Christ testing me is the only way I will know! Interestingly Venezuela has the highest crime rate in the world and the population is 88 percent Christian! The problem is socialism took over the country and now the citizens have become the enemy of the State! As Socialism grows under the Democrats we will continue more people will become the enemy of the State! Our Constitution is a Christian Doctrine and protects us from the State! So what does the left do? Freedom of speech becomes freedom from speech! Wokeness! Certain words you can no longer use! Freedom of religion has become freedom from religion! The Second Amendment was given to us to protect us from the State in case of a political takeover by the military! To protect individuals from the State! Not to protect the State from individual’s! Read Revelation 7:9-14. You will see the greatest growth of Christianity in world history will occur during the 7 year tribulation period just prior to Jesus second coming! The Christian martyrs by the millions will be done by the State the one world ruler the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet the one world religious ruler! This is where Socialism is headed! They will ultimately be defeated at the return of Christ to the earth and the martyred earth population fills heaven! James & Hamsa Sasse.