“And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set or opposed as a tree cut down at the root with an axe and for the rising standing on their feet again of many in Israel; for a sign which shall be spoken against:” Commentary: The parallel might be the stone that the builders rejected! The chief corner stone is rejected even though the foundation or life itself is measured from the chief corner stone! When I rejected Christ I was living in a fallen state! Hopelessly lost to my own schemes! I thought I was smarter than God! Before Christ my sin was piled up one upon another bringing conflict with God and man! After Christ I found a new way of living not by my old nature but a new way guilt free! Born again! No condemnation! Forgiven! Then I could forgive others! What freedom! I rose and stood to my feet no longer living in shame but accepted of the beloved! The world will mock me and condemn me yet now my administrator is King over my redemptive state! Love lifted me as the old hymn says! Now I want to share this gold mine mother load with others! Share his love with others with a greater passion than I ever did rejecting him! Others can rise above their sin! Others can have a hope beyond the grave! Born again! All things become new! Old things are passed away! A new creation in Christ! A new day with the old ways forgiven with a clean slate and no criminal record recorded against me! Pardoned! By my judge is judge over the living and the dead! Yesterday is gone and a hope for today and forever! Yes we all began this life speaking against Christ! It might be a sware word or thought or action against God and his Word! A crime against man! Yet many were raised up by him and now we speak for him and live with him in this earthly walk preparing ourselves and others to worship him today and forever on earth and in heaven! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com
Category: Uncategorized
Laptop from Hell & Christmas!
His Beautiful Persecuted Church!
Can We Do The Math? Jesus Birth and Death Dates?
Can you balance your checking account? Are you mentally challenged to make change as a cashier? I was in a Home Depot Store in Macon Georgia years ago around Christmas Time and I purchased an item for $9.95 and I gave the cashier a ten dollar bill. She gave me change back for a one hundred dollar bill. As she was counting the twenty dollar bills into my hand I could not help to think is this the new math? Is this Washington D.C math? Now I know how politicians become millionaires on a government salary! As she put the nickel into my hand on top of the stack of bills I said is this my Christmas gift? She looked at me kind of funny and said what do you mean? Mam I gave you a ten dollar bill! She thanked me and took back the stack of bills and left me with my nickel! I hope she does not work at my bank unless she helps me out again! Did you know Caesar Augustus was a trillionaire! Not a millionaire or a billionaire but a trillionaire! Then he woke up from his bed one morning and looked over at his beautiful wife with expensive tastes and thought we need to tax the whole fricking world! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! But it was prophetic! Joseph and pregnant Mary had to go down to Bethlehem from Nazareth to be taxed. So baby Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Micah written some 500 years earlier that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem! Did Caesar know that? Probably not a clue? All things work together for good for those that love God and are called according to his purpose! There are so many scriptures that predicted Jesus birth and death that just too much to cover in this posting! Also the historical people and dates involved in these great events! Ceasar Agustus reigned from 27 B.C. to A.D. 14. Well within the time of Jesus birth! So when was Cyrenius governor of Syria? For sure he reigned in 6 A.D. So the critics said Luke must have got the date wrong since most historians believe Jesus was born in 4 B.C. Well that was a question until 1912 when archeologists discovered an inscription on a stone that proved that Cyrenius ruled for two terms! We know from the official Roman records that Caesar made three decree’s! One in 28 B.C. and one in 8 B.C. and then in A.D.14. If there are an others we do not know about it is possible? If the 8 B.C. was the world tax decree then it would have to be passed by the Roman Senate and since they did not have E-mail how long would it take to get it out to the Roman provinces by mule train? What other historical references do we have? How about King Herod! Herod famous for his death march to Bethlehem to kill baby Jesus died in 4 B.C. That would be the latest date for Jesus to have been born! Remember Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus escaped the knife of Herod by going down to Egypt and then returning to Nazareth after his death! I have called my Son out of Egypt! So just from historical records we can place the birth of Jesus between 6-4 B.C. Now the even more accurate are the prophetic scriptures like Daniel chapter nine. However the math is not hard but may trouble your mind more than you are used to! The Old Testament prophet Daniel determines the sevens are seven years. Gabriel told Daniel that the decree to rebuild the Temple would be seven sevens which is 49 years! Plus 62 sevens which is 434 years. After the 483 years the anointed one the Messiah would be cut off! That would be the year of Jesus crucifixion! The Hebrew calendar is based upon the lunar year where our calendar is based upon the solar year. So 360 days in lunar year and 365.25 days in solar year! So you have to covert! Conversion yields 476 years on our calendar. Nehamiah records the date of the decree from Axtaxeres. From our calendar that would be 444 B.C. Counting 476 years from 444 B.C. remembering there is no zero A.D. we discover from what Gabriel told Daniel that the Messiah would be cut off in 33 A.D. That is April 3, 33 A.D. This also helps us to determine the birth date of Jesus! Jesus said pay your taxes! Render unto God his share and render unto Caesar his share! The Caesar IRS could not get Jesus on tax fraud! He was obedient unto the law even unto death! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Jesus Predicted 3400 Years Ago! Numbers 24:8
“God brought him forth out of Egypt; he has at it were the strength of a unicorn; he shall eat up the nations his enemies; and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.” Commentary: Besides this passage of scripture in the Old Testament there are 573 more verses in the Old Testament predicting Jesus first coming to earth! So this scripture is not an isolated verse but supported by hundreds more detailing even the city Jesus would be born in! These scriptures were written hundreds of years before the event! Now here is what is really fascinating about my Bible! There are 1845 verses in your Bible predicting the second coming of Christ back to earth! If God got it right the first time do you think not that he will get it right the second time? Give me one person in history where his or her birth was predicted hundreds of years before the event? None my friend! The Book of Numbers was written by Moses! In this verse he records the prophecy of Balaam about the coming Messiah! Moses also came out of Egypt! I was born 73 years ago a small event in history! Did anyone predict my birth hundreds of years before my birth? No! How about you? No! When my mother got pregnant and her stomach bulged the doctor told her she was going to have a baby! When my grandfather had me over his knee with a razor strap he told me you just might be from an angel of bad luck! Jimmy you are good when you sleep! I figure the only way to keep you out of hell is to beat the hell out of you! After all that I thought twice about being a bad boy! Grandpa once told me I do not want to have to put your lights out to save the world! These were not prophecies about me but just observations about my behavior! As recorded in the Book of Matthew, New Testament, Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus had to flee down to Egypt to escape King Herod who tried to kill Jesus! Herod was performing abortions on women in Bethlehem! Their journey was financed by the gifts of the wise men presented to them at Bethlehem! Then the family returned from Egypt after Herod died. Why are there those today that are still trying to kill Jesus? Wokeness! Cancel Jesus! Remove those Nativity scenes! We cannot have a Christmas tree here! Remove it! Kill and persecute his followers! If there were nothing to this Jesus story then they would leave us alone right? But the persecution of Christ followers is exponentially growing every year as we get closer to his second coming! The birth pains will increase in frequency until his second coming! So which side of eternity do you stand on right now today? A follower of Christ or a persecutor of Christ and his followers? There are no non-aligned fence sitters in the Kingdom of God! You come down on one side of the division between heaven and hell right now today! You have made a choice! The good news is while you have breath you can reverse course! You may have to give up some friends but God will send you new friends who also love the Savior! One third of the population of the earth are Christian! Jesus has left earth to prepare a place for you there in heaven! He has prepared a place for you while here on earth and also in heaven! You were created for the purpose of worshipping your Savior here on earth and also in heaven! Satan also wants your worship! King Herod wants your worship! The governments of this world want your worship! Politicians want your worship! Movie stars want your worship! Athletes want your worship! But they cannot save you! They have to come to the same place you do to be saved! Would you rather worship the God who loves you and came to give his life for you or worship Satan who wants to destroy you? This is not rocket science but the fool in his heart said there is no God! Are you wise or foolish? Wise men still seek him! How about you? Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Global Warming?
Does this explain the cold wave across America with record low temperatures? Is the ice age back? Where are the political scientists that promote taxing us or punishing us for global warming? Follow the science? Science tells me right now I am freezing my ass! Do not dare start a fire right now to save yourself from freezing to death! Save the planet! You would be guilty of destroying the planet! Save the planet but the hell with you! Earth worship is the direct result of rejecting the God of Creation where God has given us fuel right under our feet fossil fuel to save us from the extremes of this planet we are living on right now and in the future! Stupid really gets stupid when your power is off and you are very cold not needing another lecture from the left how they are going to save you from yourself! God save us from them and ourselves! And he did! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Christmas Planning!
Doubt your doubts and Trust the Lord! Trust his Holy scriptures and the promises he has made to us that will outlast us and this world! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Second Christmas! Colossians 3:2-4
Greek Translation: “Set your affection exercising your mind, soul and body in a good direction on things on a higher order in heaven above, not on things that consist of his part of creation that pertains to man’s dominion here on earth. For you are dead to sin and your life, soul, mind and body are quickened by the Spirit of God through Christ. When Christ who is our life shall appear to you in his divine act of revelation.” Commentary: Some say we are so heavenly minded we are no earthly good! Others say you are so earthly minded you are no heavenly good! Facts are love was initiated by God through his Son Jesus Christ! Christ was author of creation itself! Without him nothing would exist! Not the earth and not you! Sadly much of creation throws mud in his face! You do not have to wait until Christmas to find Christ! His door is open 24-7. You just have to knock and he will let you in! But Christmas would be a good time to begin to worship the Creator and Savior of the world! The creator of the world! You might give him his due worship! If you ask him he will come to you in the dead of the night! Wise men still seek him! King Herod was looking for Christ also! To try to slay him! Fools are born everyday thinking they are greater than God! The religious rulers of Jesus day here on earth thought they were greater than God! Judas thought his money was greater than God! Is your flesh which in one hour will perish greater than God? In one day Jesus will raise every soul from the dead some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! Which will it be for you? You will have all of eternity to understand your choice! That is your choice will establish your forever! Heaven or hell would seem like an easy choice! However Satan has blinded the eyes of many deceiving them to believe the lie we can live without God! We can try but the consequences we cannot bare! Think about Christmas and your life where you are today and the need for a change! God will change your life today and you will never look back! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Just another Christmas? Zephaniah 1:7 (630 B.C.)
“Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.” Commentary: The Old Testament Zephaniah lived about 600 years before the birth of Christ! He is considered one of the minor prophets prophesizing during the reign of King Josiah just before his reforms! The term “day of the Lord” used here refers to judgment! The Hebrew word for day used here means an exact point in time when light is expressed pushing away the darkness! It expresses time as linear and the occurrence of successive events in history. It is the history of redemption! The Lord hath prepared! Prepared meaning steadfast, sure, reliable in a fixed time setting redemption in order! He prepared a sacrifice for the redemption of man! The word sacrifice in the Hebrew means an offering provided by God involving the shed blood or death of the sacrifice at God’s own expense! Bid his guests? The invitation has gone out to all the inhabitants of the earth! Whosoever will! So Christmas is about a sacrifice provided by God himself for our redemption! Why is this important? If you dismiss this you set yourself up for judgment by your own choice! The heathen living around Israel were idol worshippers! They had many gods! One of their gods was Molech! He was the god of child sacrifices! Would be like abortion here in America! Like gender mutilation now active here in America today! So what did the little false gods do or require of their worshippers! Their gods required the sacrifice of their worshippers like child sacrifice and gender mutilation! Satan will always make you the sacrifice! The true God our Christ came as a baby incarnated into flesh to sacrifice himself for his worshippers! I cannot make this any simpler for you to understand and without this revelation then this is just another Christmas for you! American culture has replaced the true God of heaven and earth with the little false gods that will destroy our nation with abortion, crime, illegal immigration, drugs, corruption, socialism and every other little man made gods that extract a human toll on our nation! We can turn back to the true God where he makes the sacrifice for us and became sin for us to deliver us from evil! America is at a cross roads and to survive we must follow the Cross for the redemption of our people! If not judgment is rendered to our nation! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Patriot & Artist!
You define yourself as a patriot and an artist! Have you ever served in the military? No! Do you have big record labels and sell millions of records or do you do painting portraits? No! How do you explain your claim to fame? I sing the National Anthem at cock fights! Rodney Dangerfield.