What is the Worst Sin I can Do?

Would it be to murder someone? Rape a woman! Kidnap a child? Rob a bank! Hit someone on the road with my vehicle? Live the homosexual lifestyle? Shoot a cop? Steal classified documents and sell them to our enemies? Steal food from a grocery store? Sell child for sexual exploitation? Tell a lie! Cheat on your income tax? These are all horrible sins yet all are forgivable upon repentance to God yet the only unpardonable sin is to reject the judge who can set you free! Reject Christ the only one who has the authority and power to forgive you! God has rendered all judgment unto his Son! Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! Remember before Jesus ascended to the Father he said I must go so I can send you the Holy Spirit! Also he said I must prepare a place for you in heaven! Two kinds of sinners! Forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell. The one and only unpardonable sin is to reject Jesus Christ! Only through Christ can we forgive others because we have been forgiven! Otherwise vengeance becomes our character! The spirit of Satan! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisnotGod.com

Truth Crushed to Earth Will?

Truth crushed to earth will rise again! My aunt Minnie would tell us things like this when we were small children over to her house playing with building wood blocks and other interesting games she had for us to do! She said Jimmy and Tommy every generation will try to crush truth and our Christ back to earth but he will rise again! He will rise again because he is God! Truth never fails! Lies sometimes prevail but truth will expose the lies! As children it stuck with us even though at the time we did not connect the dots until years later! Truth planted in children will produce fruit later on in their lives! I have a friend I used to work with at Robins Air Force Base and now we are both retired. Frank told me that he is paying for his grand children tuition to send them to a private Christian school rather than put them into a public school where they brain wash children into gender dysphoria and all the evil things promoted in public schools! As a man thinketh so is he! Right thinking begins with teaching children truth! I thank God I was surrounded by family that taught me truth! Had me in church every Sunday! Sunday school teachers who cared for my soul! What profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Your eternity resides inside you right now but the question you must ask yourself is it truth or the lie? Lies try to crush Jesus back to earth but he has risen and will also raise everyone from the dead some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! He took your judgment upon himself on a cruel Cross! On the third day he rose again! Many will rise and many will fall on their decisions about truth! Jesus said I am the truth! Everything else a lie! Build your life on the truth! Truth will outlast you! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Classified Secrets! Luke 12:2-3

Jesus said, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roof tops.”

This is not Rocket Science!

When I was in the military I did not see one classified document however in the next room to my office there was a walk in safe that held classified documents. Very few people had a clearance to go into this bank vault and look at these documents! They all had to do with contingency plans of our designated deployment in case of a war! All of our preparations were based upon these plans! No one could take these classified documents out of the safe! They could those who had the clearance had to review them in the safe watched by another individual in the safe and security people standing outside of the safe! Penalties for any violation of removing a document were huge! Like discharge from the military with imprisonment from 20 years to life! Huge monetary fines also! So why would Hillary Clinton, Trump and Biden would do such a thing? Remove these documents? There is no advantage to doing such a thing unless what? You got it! Money! They would have to sell this critical information to hostile governments or to our enemies who would pay them money or favors! These events whether criminal or not destroy the confidence in our government to be for the people and by the people! It leads us to believe they are just for themselves and what they can profit from their position of power! Even to sacrifice us for their gain! It used to be great leaders of America sacrificed themselves for the people! That is what made America great! The good news is even though people violate their oath of office we can as Americans still sacrifice ourselves for others beginning with our families! If God himself through his Son sacrificed himself for us why would we be asked to do anything else less than what he is still doing for us! Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for us in heaven! Think of the millions of Christians that pass on every day and go to heaven! Jesus is a busy guy still working for us! Satan is no less busy preparing people for hell! So be like God and not Satan be trustworthy for the benefit of your family and our nation! People who do bad things must believe there is no God and no hell that awaits them! As sure as there is a heaven there is a hell! If you were a rocket scientist you would do everything to get to heaven! If you were a fool you would miss heaven and end up in hell! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Which are you wise or a fool? God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Caveman Circus! Gas Stoves!

For the idiots who voted for Joe Biden you do not have to go to the circus anymore to see a freak show! Just watch the Biden administration do their clown show everyday! It would just not be so bad if you could pay a quarter and see the show and then go home where they could not affect your life in every aspect of it but remember you voted these freaks into office and that frustrates me because I have to live under an executive that you put into office and suffer with the rest of you! When they believe America and her citizens are the biggest threat to the world it is time to send them home! Cavemen did not use gas stoves! However they did light a fire with wood sticks and logs! Next move by this administration will probably be ban all fires! Save the tree’s! If they could at least ban millions of illegal immigrants roaming our streets that would help! Even a caveman could not survive under the Biden Administration! Even if we have to replace Biden and his administration with a caveman we will be better off because he at least knows what suffering is and will try to do better! Turn the heat off in the White House and send Joe a book of matches for light! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Lord’s Prayer! Luke 11:2

Greek Translation: “Our spiritual father the one who converts us to the Christian faith responsible for our spiritual birth creator of everything which art in heaven your dwelling place and resting place hallowed be thy name set apart, sanctified from common and sinful and selfish men on earth yet in fellowship with you through your Son blessed be your name. Thy will be done as in your dwelling place so in the earth the place of sinful weak men apply to us your power and glory!”

Heart Failure & COVID Vaccines!

Many young men have acquired Myocarditis which is the inflammation of the heart muscle (Myocardium) after taking the COVID vaccines! Studies out of UK and EU are also confirming this trend even though are own CDC is trying to hide it! This condition really shows up in young athletes who really stress the heart muscle in extreme exercises playing their sports! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Bible Study Tips!

I have been reading and studying my Bible for over 50 years now! I don’t want to be in a conversation where the company chief executive called in our chief pilot back in the 1970’s and asked him to fire the co-pilot because of a mistake in flight made by him and our chief pilot told the executive I have been training him for over 20 years now and our executive said yes but Clem has not learned much! I was raised on a farm and books was not our priority! I only went to college because of the Vietnam War! I would rather study than die! After the war I joined the military! After I got saved on my death bed back in 1973 I began to consistently read my Bible! I read it much like I was trained to do in my school days! Since God saved me I wanted to know more about him! I wanted to discover him in a new way! Not in a religious way but in a personal way getting closer to him and living for him to share this good news! For many years reading about God was my attitude whenever I read the Bible! This is good not to discount this approach and it is where we must all start even though I had a personal encounter with God him raising me from the dead! Then one day the Holy Spirit ask me what do these words in your Bible really mean to me? Well I thought these words represent the breath of God from Genesis to Revelation! Then the Holy Spirit asked me are these words about me or about you? Well Lord they are about you! Yes but they are also about you! My words are a message from me to you! I am a personal God not some distant star! When I began reading the scriptures asking God what are you saying to me in this scripture then everything changed! Yes! Now I get it! Words to live with and live by! God became alive in me! He quickened my mortal body! All things have become new! Now I walk with purpose! No longer alone but his Word a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path! What I was looking for all my life now I have! His presence living in me and living through me! When God speaks to you do not expect universal acceptance! However what he speaks to you it should align with his word in the scriptures! His word is the gold standard! Jesus is more precious than silver more costly than gold! Without him we are nothing but with him everything is possible! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com

Can You Help Us?

Texas governor Greg Abbott called El Chapo’s son in a Mexican prison and asked him if he could escort President Biden on a tour of our southern border? El Chapo replied yes for we owe Biden billions of dollars in income hiring our escorts to cross millions of illegal immigrants into his country! We have no better friend than Joe Biden! He has helped us to build back better! That is our cartel network! Thankyou Joe!

Socialism & Dictatorships!

A nation or government may kill the idea of God, but someone will take God’s place in that government. That someone is most often an individual or group who begins a rule over the population and seeks to maintain their privileged position at all costs. This is why socialism has led to dictatorships so often throughout world history. Source: Got Questions Ministries Commentary: Socialism on a worldwide basis will eventually prepare the world for the one world government led by the Anti-Christ which will last only seven years yet the most destructive time in world history climaxed by the second coming of Jesus Christ who will defeat him and then rule the world for a thousand years of peace and prosperity where the lion will lay down with the lamb! So do not dismay when you see these events taking place for your redemption draweth nigh! Without knowing the Holy Scriptures and the prophecies predicting these events you will be blind sided and not understand these events leading you to fear rather than peace as these prophecies unfold before our eyes! The push for socialism also here in America is based on scriptures being fulfilled preparing the world for Anti-Christ rule! One or two very important events in your life is happening right now! You are either following the Christ or the Anti-Christ? So which is it? Read and study your Bible and then only will you know! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com