Pieces of the Puzzle! Daniel 11:37

“Neither shall he regard the God of his father’s, nor the desire of women nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Commentary: I am going to give you a quote from a respected Bible Commentary Matthew Henry: “The remainder of this prophecy is very difficult, and commentators differ much respecting it. From Antiochus the account seems to pass to the Antichrist.” Our Bible is like a puzzle! Like a 500 piece puzzle where you dump the pieces out on a table in a big pile and you say I will never figure this out? Then as you begin to put the puzzle together piece by piece it starts to make sense! I can only share with you the revelation God gives me! Some people have more revelation and some less but what is important is what God shows you through his scriptures because it is first and foremost a personal revelation because our God is a personal God! It is not private interpretation but a cumulation of many scriptures! Two important Hebrew words in this scripture! The word “regard”. It means to distinguish between good and evil! To distinguish between male and female! Why is this important? In our American cultural war on God the lines of distinction are purposely blurred! There is no male and female! Transgenderism! There is no differences in gender? We are all the same? There is no God and therefore no Satan nor good or evil? Everything is the same! When Jesus spoke of his second coming and the signs of his return one of those signs was it would be as in the days of Lot! Sodom and Gomorrah! Homosexuality would be promoted as a good thing to be exalted! Think about this? If I would have told you 50 years ago in the church that one of the signs of Jesus return would be the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage you would have thought I must have been on drugs! This is how fast we are moving towards Christ’s return! The other word used in this scripture is “women”. It means a female in Hebrew as opposed to a male! One of our women Supreme Court Justices in her hearings for the nomination to the court being a woman could not define a woman? No wonder I could never figure women out? They do not know themselves! This is a further intentional blurring of the lines of God creating male and female! A war on creation! A war on God! From this scripture and others I believe the Anti-Christ will be a Jew just as our Savior is a Jew! When the Temple is re-built in Jerusalem the Jews will not let a gentile into this Jewish Temple! He has to be a Jew! He will also be a homosexual! Once he sets himself up in the Temple during the seven year tribulation period at the midway of these seven years and he sets himself up as God to be worshiped the Jews will then realize they have been deceived! Since at this time the church has been raptured even though many will still come to Christ during this period he will make a deal with the Muslims! The False prophet ruling from Rome will be a Muslim! He will then be the one world religious ruler ruling from Rome and the Anti-Christ the one world political ruler ruling from Jerusalem! ! There are many scriptures on this subject but from them all and the words of Jesus when you put the pieces of the puzzle together this is the picture I see! God wants our worship and made a way of redemption for us to do that but Satan always demands worship to our own destruction! Embrace our Savior Christ who has delivered us from the jaws of the lion! James & Hamsa Sasse. Whoisgod.de

Web Site Traffic January 2023 GodWhoisGod.com

For the month of January we had 3263 visitors. Top 5 Country traffic was: USA, Canada, China, Great Britian & Russia. Top 5 MP3 download languages: Badeshi, Sanskrit, Telegu, Chinese, Kiswahili. Commentary: So interesting our top mp3 download language Badeshi was a language that never was translated from our Bible. Thankyou for your prayers and other support to reach the nations with the Gospel! We thank the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures for insight into his Word! We thank the Lord for those that have gone before us sacrificing their own lives for the promotion of our Holy scriptures so that I would have a Bible in my hands today! With our webmaster we are looking for ways to increase traffic each month to reach more lost souls! Google has blocked our web site in that we cannot advertise on Google promoting our web site! However this is a healthy sign that truth is always suppressed by the enemies of the Cross! If our web site had no value for truth then they would not suppress this web site! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Progressives and No Progress!

For the life of me I cannot figure them out? When it comes to abortion they say I will control my own body and no one will tell me what to do with it not even God! Yet when it comes to an experimental drug the COVID vaccine they line up like ducks in a row following the State mandates without the thought of any long term effects of this experimental drug that has not been thoroughly tested for safety over years of testing required by the FDA? An Australian tennis star was sent back to Australia from a major airport here in America because he would not take the COVID vaccine? Yet under Biden over two million illegals are allowed over our southern border and none are required to be vaccinated? Masks mandates are the same story! A big study by John Hopkins University a two year study says masks are useless! Yet they are still wearing masks? Do they follow the science? The Green New Deal is the same thoughtless scheme! It takes fossil fuels to charge an electric car! Precious metals have to dug out of the earth to build the batteries! Lithium batteries catch on fire! Some models of electric cars cannot be parked in your garage but must be parked outside! The craziness goes on and on and progress does not come from the progressives! Wisdom comes from God and this is our source of progress! God who created all the sciences! James & Hamsa Sasse WhoisGod.DE

Thankyou Pastor Glenn Brown! Loveland Colorado

He was my pastor back in the 1960’s when I was living in Loveland Colorado while in junior high and high school. Today at 73 almost 74 years old I reflect back to those times when I was a youth struggling with identity as all youth do! I remember even now how pastor Brown had a positive influence on my life! At the end of the service he would stand at the front entrance of the church and shake the hands of the church members and his smile to me and my brother and his kind words to us were so encouraging to us! I sensed he really cared about us and demonstrated his love preaching the Gospel that even we could understand! My mother said he was the best councilor she had ever known in her life time! Pastor Brown laid a foundation in my life in Christ that has carried me through the mountains and valleys of life! Last week I spoke to Pastor Brown who is now 96 years old and guess what he is doing? Preaching the Gospel! In Mexico and Haiti! As I drove through downtown Loveland about 5 years ago I drove past that red brick Methodist Church and remembered him and the positive influence he had on my life! Even while we were in India as Missionaries for 3 years back in the 1980’s and as that ministry carries on even today as we support workers there today we always have to go back to the beginning where God sent Pastor Brown into my life to direct my life in the right direction! Towards Christ my Savior! The strength of America is the small church where personal relations are developed and accountability to the Pastor and God are achieved! Mega churches and television ministries can never replace the personal one on one relationships of the local pastor and church where resources are invested into the local communities! I believe we have lost ground by the neglect of the local churches and is a foundational problem across America leading to the moral decline of America! I do not know if Pastor Brown will beat me to heaven but one day soon both of us will be serving Christ in heaven just as we have done on earth! God Bless Pastor Glenn Brown! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Biden Only Person in the Milky Way?

“I think President Biden is the only person in the Milky Way who thinks our country is headed in the right direction, Kennedy said. Look at the facts: Last year our economy grew at 1%, China’s economy was shut down! It grew at 3%. The U.S. has 13.5% inflation cumulatively-that’s what President Biden has given us in two years.” John Kennedy R-La. Commentary: That is just one of his screw ups! We get the wrong people in office because America has a spiritual problem! The pulpits across America have been neutered by the Johnson Amendment known as the 510c tax exempt status for ministries! The then Senator from Texas Lyndon Johnson was chastised from pulpits across Texas and America for running around with a woman who was not his wife! So instead of changing his behavior he crafted a law to give the pastors money to shut them up! Guess what? It has worked now for over 50 years! So they stuff their pockets with cash while we live in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah! Pastors surrendered their free speech our most precious liberty! Trump reversed the 501c while he was in office by executive order yet Pastors feared repercussions after he left office! There is no future in fear! Stand up to your opponents with truth! The Holy Scriptures! If the only reason I give my tithe to God because I get a tax exemption then I am spiritually bankrupt! Your Bible will be banned one day coming in America so read it and memorize it! His word will endure forever but politically crushed in many nations today! I would suggest to all pastors across America to surrender your 501c tax exemption and return liberty and freedom with free speech from the pulpits of America! The pulpits before the Johnson Amendment were called the bully pulpits! We need them back to head America in the right direction! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in

Be Patient!

My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some natural immunity to dummies these days built up, but there is a new strain out there plus all the government vaccines are useless!

Midget IRS Agent Finds Christ! Luke 19:9-10

“And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come unto this house, foras much as he also is the Son of Abraham(Jew), For the Son of man is come to save that which is lost.? Commentary: Zacchaes was a rich Jewish tax collector! Being a Jew he collected taxes for the Roman government! He was despised by his fellow Jews for selling out to the Roman government! He told Jesus he gave half his wealth to the poor and did not take anything that belonged to others! Being a short man he had to climb a tree to get above the crowd to see Jesus. Jesus took note of him and ask for an invitation to his house for dinner! Jesus invited himself to his own house! Normally it is just the opposite! What was the key move Zacchaeus made to receive salvation! He said yes to Jesus invitation! Have you invited Jesus into your house? Have you accepted his invitation for redemption? He is standing outside knocking on the door of your heart! Why not let him in? Take down your no trespassing sign in front of your house for we have trespassed against him! Sadly if you reject salvation then judgment moves into your house and lives with you forever! He took your judgment on a cruel Cross so why not receive his redemption that cost you nothing? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in