Tell Me Something I Do Not Already Know?

Not only do we know God by Jesus Christ alone, but we know ourselves by Jesus Christ. We know life and death only through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ, we do not know what is our life, nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves! Blaise Pascal I.Q. – 195

Bible Equity Training Manual! Genesis 1:27

If we do not know ourselves to be full of pride, ambition, lust, weakness, misery, and injustice, we are indeed blind. And if, knowing this, we do not desire deliverance, what can we say of a man? Blaise Pascal Commentary: If we reject Genesis 1:27 that men and women were created in the Image of God then equity will never arrive! Under Darwin’s ideology there will be constant war between men believing only the strong will survive and one man will try to predominate over another in a act of constant war! Darwin’s Anti-Christ ideology promotes socialism and leveling the playing field through death and destruction to widespread poverty! God creating male and female in his image brings equality not trying to make everyone the same but celebrating our uniqueness without trying to destroy our God given gifts and purpose through gender dysphoria! A true understanding that God created everyone and everything brings a dignity to the minds and hearts of those who carry this truth in having a respect for everyone regardless of our differences and God given functions for his purposes in giving life and dignity to all! James & Hamsa Sasse.

As a Man Thinketh? Psalm 23:7

Man is obviously made for thinking. Therein lies all his dignity and his merit; and his whole duty is to think as he ought. Blaise Pascal He that will not command his thoughts…will soon lose the command of his actions! Thomas Wilson. Commentary: A loose canon is someone who has no control of his thoughts and his actions! Our best examples are the crime waves taking control of American cities today! The anti-law enforcement movements are as deadly as COVID! The love evil and hate good movements are taking a toll on Americans and their families where it is becoming unsafe to be out in public today! Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he! The Hebrew word that describes thinketh is as a gate keeper in a walled city! Citizens are free to come and go yet he keeps out criminals and illegals! He establishes a secure border for the city at the gate! He distinguishes between good and evil! He does not promote evil but punishes evil by denying them access to the city! He protects his citizens from harm! He sacrifices himself for their protection rather than sacrificing the citizens for bribes or other benefits! He does not sell out their protections! He is not a traitor! The word heart used here means breath or life itself! He thinks about the value of life itself and the consequences of his actions to protect life from destruction! He opposes a culture of death! The heart becomes the filter for all thought! The Bible is the gold standard for right thinking! Our Ten Commandments were given to us by God to protect life and to punish evil! Evil is not rewarded as in our current culture! Thoughts are either true or false! You must remember when a thought comes to you it is not an original thought! All thoughts come from a source beyond you! They are either good or evil! They must be screened by the Holy Scriptures because thoughts are either Godly or evil! Without the Holy Spirit you cannot discern the difference between evil or good! If you receive a thought as good but it is evil then your actions will destroy your life! Will destroy the life of others! When an ideology of everything is equal whether gender or criminal activity then no discernment between good and evil and a culture any culture will self destruct! When lies are promoted as truth light is replaced by darkness! When God is rejected by any culture then Satan and his evil is promoted! Your thoughts will either come to you by God or by Satan as their source! Pascal made great discoveries about the properties of gases! But remember since creation these laws always existed just discovered by a thinking person! We have inventions that have not been discovered yet but they have always existed! Christopher Columbus read the Holy Scriptures back in 1492 A.D. and the word said God divided the earth into six parts! That is the land masses here on earth! He looked at his then map of the world and it only showed five continents? Dude we have a continent missing? If I sail west I should run into it if it exists as the scriptures declare! Welcome to North and South America! Why are we tearing his statues down? Do we hate one another enough to destroy America? What will replace us? Socialism/Communism where freedom no longer exists? We lose our freedom when we can no longer control our thoughts and our actions! Then we must be ruled by the barrel of a gun! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

Biden 2024 Presidental Run Proclamation!

You can teach an old dog new tricks because I have forgotten all my old tricks! Still recruiting people to go around the country to speak on my behalf as I stay in my basement during my campaign! However I want no word salads and no hysterical laughs and 3rd grade explanations of my plans for the country! We plan to send Kamala out of country during my campaign along with pot hole Pete so they do not screw things up! We can build back better because there is nothing left to build! Uncle Joe!

God’s Law & Lucifer’s Music! Isaiah 14:12

It is not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society. It is those who write the songs! Blaise Pascal. Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!” Commentary: Lucifer who became Satan was the praise leader of heaven and led one third of the angels in rebellion against God and was cast down to the ground here on planet earth! His deception was wrapped in music! I could tell anyone a lie and most would recognize me as a liar! However if I would take the same lie and wrap it into a sweet sounding musical melody the same people would not recognize it as a lie but would buy it as truth! The truth of the Gospel can also come through music and the lie of Satan can also come through music! The question to be asked is what do the lyrics say? The Beetles back in the 1960’s had a song lyrics that said Jeremiah was a bull frog? They said they would be more famous than Jesus Christ? Through music they made a mockery of God! The same music can be made to honor and glorify God! Many musicians started out singing and playing instruments in church settings then left the church and ended up on drugs and overdoses of drugs! Even though they became famous with their music they lost their souls! Sad but Satan is a liar and he will try to get us to trade our souls that eternal part of us in exchange for a temporary high! Pleasure for a season and then separation from God! When you hear a song pay attention to the lyrics? It may sound pretty but do the words contradict scripture and make a mockery of God! I do not see Satan behind every note of music nor God behind every note of music I just need the discernment only the Holy Spirit can give to know the difference! I want to follow not the one that was cast down to the earth but the one who was risen above the earth at his resurrection from the dead! James & Hamsa Sasse.

What is Truth? John 14:6

Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Our attitude towards truth determines the outcome of our lives! Jesus said in the above scripture I am the way, the truth and the life! He told the people your reality is standing before you as you see me with your eyes! Not just my appearance of reality before you but I am the embodiment of truth! I am the truth! Then he clarifies that my truth will lead you to the Father creator of heaven and earth! I am the only way to the Father! To our pluralistic society then and now offends some people! Jesus said you will be offended because of me! Hinduism says all roads lead to heaven? Islam says you got to kill yourself to get to God! Human efforts miss the mark and the redemptive sacrificial work God did on the Cross for us! Jesus said I am the way! One road to heaven and any who try to climb up another way is a thief and a liar! We in our sin try to become God! Make our own gods then worship them worshipping ourselves! Jesus raised the dead! Healed the sick! Saved the lost! His truth is demonstrated to us right before our eyes! God is truth all men liars! If you are searching for truth you will find Jesus Christ! If not searching for truth then reasons to reject him! Truth will set you free from the restless world we live in today! No peace no truth! Blaise Pascal lived 400 years ago a genius yet only truth could bring peace into his life! There is only one truth and he will set you free from the guilt and shame of sin! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Joe Takes Cognitive Test!

So how did Joe do on his test? The first three questions were name three animals from Africa! Joe responded well you are not going to trick me! They are the Polar Bear, Arctic Fox and a Timber Wolf! The computer generated test shut down and asked Joe to take test again! Right now he is studying in his basement reading picture books of the animals of Africa! Go Brandon Go!