The Biden Administration lifted oil sanctions restrictions on oil exports from Iran? Iran is selling a million barrels a day to Russia supporting them in the war against Ukraine. Then we America are supporting Ukraine in a proxy war supplying them weapons depleting our own defense supply stocks. To me this is another example of a conflicted Biden supporting both sides of this war! In life you cannot win any war unless you fight to win! If Biden wants a stalemate then what he is doing makes sense! China and India are buying Russia oil exports which support the war effort of Russia! Why do we not sanction these countries? Again a conflicted Biden who his Son Hunter took millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and Russia! These funds then went to Joe and the entire Biden family! I want leaders who fight to win! To fight for America! If our leader does not want to win do not ask me to get on board! The church is also conflicted through the bribes given to ministries through the 501 c tax exemption by our government! We have refused this exemption because it would politically neuter free speech and taking a stand for truth! Our faith can only be implemented through the political process for all elections have consequences good or bad! Without implementation of our Christian ideology through the political process we are just playing a shell game! Overcome evil with good but we must have the courage to call out the evil! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK
Category: Uncategorized
Eschatology! End Times!
The reason it is exciting to study end times prophecies is because we are in the end times right now! What about the rapture of the church here on earth? When will it come? What are the signs? There are three theories about the rapture. The pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post tribulation rapture! Most theologians hold the pre-tribulation rapture. The tribulation period is the seven year period where the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet will rule the world under a one world political system and a one world religious system. My first question is if all the Christians are raptured off the earth just before the tribulation period begins then who is left to oppose the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet during this seven year period climaxed by Christ’s second coming? If we have an armageddon or the last world war on planet earth before Christ’s second coming then who is opposing the Anti-Christ? Two things are happening during the tribulation period. Through the 144 thousand Jewish evangelist many people are coming to Christ! So this is a new breed of Christians who immediately once saved will oppose the Anti-Christ! Then after or during the half way period when the secular Jews realize they have been tricked by the Anti-Christ demanding worship by them from the re-built temple at Jerusalem they immediately will oppose him! So the Christians at the rapture regardless of time frame who go to heaven will be replaced by Christians who get saved after the rapture of the church! Then the Christians in heaven will follow Jesus out of heaven back to earth at his second coming to join the Christians here on earth to battle Satan at the Battle of Armageddon! So regardless of the timing of the rapture God covers the earth with his Christians to evangelize the earth and to oppose evil! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Wokism? New Religion! Old Idol!
This religion operates under the mask of compassion and justice but opposes western values the Christian values that has established western civilization of faith, God and family! The gifts of this evil spirit are political correctness, cancel culture, Marxism, neo-marxism, social justice and critical theory. Critical theory was born out of Nazi socialism in the 20th Century proclaiming we will liberate humans from their circumstances that enslave them! If we can just get rid of the Jews! If we can just get rid of this race of people we will be liberated! Wokism is trying to interpret western culture as a story of getting rid of the oppressor for the sake of the oppressed! In the days of Noah he and his family were the oppressors! At the Tower of Babel God was the oppressor! Build a tower to heaven and then we will be God! In Wokism the foundations of civilization must all be torn down! Our history, hero’s, national pride, gender identity, political systems and all accumulated religions must go! We the wokes will be your new God! They believe the lines of separation between oppressor and oppressed are race, sex, gender identity and religion! This is idol worship raised from the dead! Self worship raised from the dead! Marx socialism repackage as something good! Christian values of hard work, punctuality, delayed gratification, respect of God and nation are viewed as white supremacy! The flaws of this new religion is that humanity is not flawed outside of itself but within itself! Sin and evil come from within us! This is why God had to invade our sin sick soul with the redemptive work of his Son going to the Cross for all of us oppressors of each other! What happens as in Nazi Germany the perceived oppressor is eliminated and then the new oppressed class become the new oppressors! This cycle repeats itself over and over in history! Only a power outside of ourselves can cure the destructive power living inside ourselves! The redemption of Christ elevated western civilation to the pinnacle of success elevating freedoms and liberties for all peoples! Now efforts to tear it all down and move into the dark caves of bondages and suppression of the liberties granted to us by God! What denies us our freedoms is our own sin! Sin against God and man! Christ is the only hope the world will ever have and the dark shadows of fallen civilizations are a testimony to the false ideologies that bring death to any culture! Wokism will fail and her followers to many atrocities in the name of this reincarnated old socialism order! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Come & Behold Him!
Fleeing the Blues!
After Death? Then What? Hebrews 9:27
“And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after that the judgment.” Commentary: We all have an appointment with death! We cannot cancel this appointment and you will not miss this appointment! You can try to ignore it and avoid it by eating health foods but it is coming! So we must prepare for it! Have your will written! Your life insurance in place! Registered with a local funeral home the paper work done in preparations! What you do with Christ will determine whether you fear it or welcome it! No regrets! Forgiven of your sin right with the God that judges the living and the dead! There were two thieves hung a cross on either side of Jesus! Misery loves company! That is what hell is about! One thief rejected Christ and the other repented of his evil and Jesus immediately said this day you will be with me in paradise! So which thief are you!? The forgiven or unforgiven thief! Forgiven sinners are in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell! What separates them is Jesus Christ! Judgment by definition is a separation based upon justice! Are you in the crucify him crowd? Give us that murderer Barabas! Crucify our judge! Kill the sacrifice! Give us sin and get rid of the Savior! We only celebrate criminals! Illegals! Homosexuals! Transgenders! Wokeness! Cancel Jesus! We want death not life! This is in our nature! Born to die! Death is not natural! It has a cause! It has a choice! The just shall live by faith! Faith in the Son of God! Faith in my Bible the Word of God! One world with one God creator of heaven and earth yet one of two destinies depending on our choice about Christ! God chose him so why would you reject what God has chosen? Chose him to suffer and die to save you! Sacrificed his life for you the wicked! God has pardoned you from a death sentence but to reject the sacrifice makes you unpardonable! Do not follow in the steps of Judas or the thief that rejected Christ! Humble yourself and accept Christ and paradise awaits you on the other side of death which is just a breath away! Jesus suffocated on the Cross and God has given you breath! Use the breath he has given you to worship him all the days of your life and the life to come! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Exodus! Blue to Red! Moses Just Shaking His Head!
Key to Happiness! John 16:7
Happiness can be found neither in ourselves nor in external things, but in God and in ourselves as united to him! Blaise Pascal Commentary: I am not as smart as Blaise Pascal the math and science genius who lived back in the 1600’s so I had to learn this truth the hard way on my death bed as a then young man chasing the elusive dreams the world tried to offer me! These promises the world gives you look like light at the end of the tunnel but it is a train! Christ came into my room that night and my world was transformed from darkness to light! From death to life! Jesus then sent his Holy Spirit into me and has been present with me ever since for the past 50 years! There is a lesson here that Pascal was trying to teach us! How does Jesus find comfort outside of himself? After all he is God in the flesh! Does he need anything the creator of the entire universe? He could make a million universes besides the one we live in! He found comfort in the unity of the Trinity! He did not work outside of his submission to the Father and the Holy Spirit! He never crossed the line and tried to do something outside of the will of his Father! He never violated the Holy Scriptures performing an act contrary to them! Satan tried his best to get him to violate his God given purpose with the temptations but he never took the bait! He countered the twisted scriptures Satan tried to feed him and took those misquoted scriptures and spoke them accurately as they are written! We are created by God and all our external things around us but those including ourselves can never bring the happiness for which we are seeking! We are looking in the wrong places! Only our unity with Christ and his word and the indwelling Holy Spirit will give us true happiness in this life and the one to come! Truth is truth and it does not matter what century we are living in or the cultural lies Satan is using to draw us away from the only one who can fill your void with his love! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Living in the Shadows? John 8:12
In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t! Blaise Pascal