Who is the Rock? Matthew 16:18

Greek Translation: “And Jesus said unto Peter, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build a house, a spiritual house to profit and promote its building where we shall dwell together in my church. My church a body of free citizens called together as my congregation, and the gates of Hades the region of the departed spirits that are lost awaiting my eternal judgment shall not overpower with intense opposition my church.” Commentary: So who is the rock? Who is the corner stone and the foundation stone leading the church? This is a controversial question for some in the church! Some say Peter but the majority believe it is Christ! I have to go with the latter but the church is also represented in the earth by those living in Christ regardless of your given name made by your parents! Peter had a name change from a wavering reed in the wind to a rock but only through Christ! Notice the spiritual opposition to the church rises up out of Hades among the living here on earth and is battled by the living here on the earth filled with the spirit of Christ! Outside of Christ no man can defeat Satan but those in Christ will defeat him here on earth! Those that reject Christ join the foul spirits of Hades in this war between good and evil! Your outcome and the finality of your choice between Christ and Satan determines your outcome! Victory or defeat having everything with your decision of either accepting or rejecting Christ! Do you want to be part of his church here on earth and in heaven? Then you have to make a decision to follow Christ just as Peter has! In Christ’s Love! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

Pascal on Religious Contrasts!

Muhammad established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives! Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician, physicist, philosopher, Inventor of first digital calculator.

Faith a Gift! 1 Corinthians 12:9

Faith is different from proof, the latter is human, the former a gift from God! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Without faith it is impossible to please God yet faith comes from God so unless you use what God has given you then you can’t please God! God spoke the world into existence by faith! But your faith is in God and him alone! When we trust ourselves as substitutes for trusting God we get into trouble! Those in hell trusted in themselves and exalted themselves above God! If you do not believe the scriptures then your faith is not in God! The woke culture is a war on God and a denial of the authority of the Holy Scriptures! Then we live in the hell they created by their denial of faith and trust in God! I cannot brag about my faith because it is not mine to begin with! It is a gift to be used to promote heaven on earth! When you accept Jesus as Savior and then invite the Holy Spirit into your life you get the whole package including the Gift of Faith! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in

Bud Light & Fruitcakes!

Mr. Ed the Clydesdale horse mascot escaped from his stall yesterday! Why? He overheard the stable hands joking about his upcoming sex change surgery! He ran off to save his nuts! To save himself from the fruitcakes! God initially created man as the most intelligent of the mammals! However lately it seems that animals have more intelligence? You do not have to teach the chameleon to change colors! You do not have to teach the opossum to play dead! A rooster in the chicken house has sex all figured out! I was raised on a farm the animals have no confusion about their gender! The political left is so crazy they want to use artificial intelligence to show them they are correct about their crazy idea’s! Program a robot to agree with you! Poor Mr. Ed has learned the Bud Light Beer Company no longer has money to buy his horse feed! It would not be so bad if horses were the only ones castrated but our children? I heard a preacher on TBN say I do not believe in boycotts? Really? This is the only way we can punish these corporations that go woke! Should we be silent and let the crimes continue? Remember Mr. Pillow? He supported Trump and some of these corporations kicked his pillows out of their stores! So me and millions of Christians purchased his products even though we needed no pillows! His business is booming! Since then I have boycotted every corporation that boycotted him over the past five years! We have the power to break everyone of these corporations that promote the transgender movement! My hat off to the beer drinkers of America but why do they have to lead what we the Christians should have already done? Jesus told some at the last judgment some will say did we not preach in your name? Depart from me you workers of iniquity! Iniquity is to look the other way when our children are being castrated by the woke mob and you say or do nothing! If your bank goes woke change banks! If Walmart goes woke stop shopping there! If a car manufacturer goes woke buy another brand! Our military cannot find enough young people to field a standing Army? Why? Wokeness! People are leaving the military faster than they can recruit! While on deployments the teachers of their children are teaching transgender ideologies! Can you blame them? If we cannot stand up an Army to defend us then we will be taken over by another nation like China! Then the Communists will line them upon a wall the woke mob and shoot them! All judgment is given unto God we just need to do what is right and promote Biblical values! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu

Truth is Ordinary! Lies are Extraordinary!

Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary! Blaise Pascal Commentary: God told Adam and Eve the simple truth that you can eat of all these tree’s in the Garden except one tree! If you obey me you will never see death and disease! Satan comes along and sells them the extraordinary! He told them God is a liar! You will not die! Deceptions are extraordinary! The biggest extraordinary is to make yourself God! That is what Lucifer does and tries to get you to do the same! If we just stop charging criminals with crimes they will get better! We are the problem not them! We do not believe the ordinary laws God gave us to protect us are necessary! We want the extraordinary but how come our crime rates are rising after we apply the lies and deceptions of the extraordinary! God’s rules are to simple and we can do better without them! God raising the dead is ordinary for him! But we want the extraordinary and believe a lie that opposes God and his redemptive plan! God’s creative power is ordinary for him but we want the extraordinary like Darwin believing the lie that God is not who he is and cannot do what he says he did created the heaven and the earth! Satan tempted Jesus to do the extraordinary! Turn these stones into bread! Jump off the Temple Mount! People running around on social media trying to do the extraordinary! Standing on the edge of a cliff doing a selfie and then then ledge breaks and down they go! Smart people take the extraordinary and simplify it to the ordinary! Dummies take the simple and complicate it! Fossil fuel that God has gifted to America is just to ordinary so we are so smart to go the extraordinary way and try to replace what God has given us even if it destroys our economy and our way of life! Small minds are running our government right now and the results are devastating to our nation and moving us into a third world country! Time to change leadership if you want to save America! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.nl