Anyone who does not see the vanity of this world is very vain himself. So who does not see it, apart from young people whose lives are all noise, diversions and thoughts for the future? But take away their diversions and you will find them bored to extinction. Then they see their nullity without recognizing it, for nothing could be more wretched than to be intolerably depressed as soon as one is reduced to introspection with no means of diversion. Blaise Pascal. Commentary: We are all teenagers at the core! Distractions seem to fix our soul! Whether work or play through this we can look away from our problems! We can feel better about ourselves if we can find someone a little worse off than me! My car is a little newer than yours! My house a little bigger than your house! My job pays better than your job! As the King of England said I am bored because there is no place else to go? Will some people be bored in heaven and others excited about hell? The woke movement is all about distractions real or imagined! Create a group of people to be despised and you have a perfect distraction away from yourself! Make them evil enough to take violence on them! Destructive ideologies over history are fueled by distractions from our own flaws! Satan told Adam and Eve God is a liar! Make God worse than we are and you have the perfect fire storm! The truth is God saw in us a value worth saving! For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son as a sacrifice for our sin! God is no fool to sacrifice his own life to save us! Some people blame God for all their troubles! They do not make him a distraction but simply dismiss him! Some pretend he does not exist! Darwinism! If we are honest and look deep within our soul we realize we need a Savior! God created us so we cannot exist without him! The void in our lives cannot be filled by ourselves or any distractions we can run to! Sooner or later we run out of distractions and have to look within our soul and see how bankrupt we are trying to live without the God that created us, loved us so much he made a way to save us in this life and the life to come! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK
Category: Uncategorized
Transgender Mothers Day!
To treat your transgender partner for a man who thinks he is a woman get him a Mothers Day Card! For the woman who thinks she is a man get her a Fathers Day Card!
Must Be Born Again!
We never love a person, but only qualities! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Jesus said we must be born again to enter heaven! The religious leaders of the time he said this were perplexed? How can I enter the womb a second time? Jesus said with God all things are possible! A man that is a murderer or the saint lives in the same human body! What separates them is quality of character! Quality is taught! Train up a child and he will not depart from that training good or bad! Pascal also said wisdom is to return to childhood! The problem with social justice and the woke crowd is they are hunting down people just like themselves! Look in the mirror dummy! A born again Christian has the same body he had before but a new character! When Christ raises us from the dead we will have the same body we had on earth but either a new character or the old evil character depending on what we did with Christ while living here on earth! Character good or bad is not related to race or gender but Biblical training or secular training that either supports or opposes the God of heaven! The children of God are opposed by the children of Satan! Good character is opposed by bad character! A sinner never opposes sin but does oppose a saint living in the quality of character that God has established as acceptable to him! The war between good and evil will continue until God completely redeems the faulty character of man! He does this one soul at a time! Jesus said the two greatest commandments was to love God and men! This can never be achieved until men understand how much God loves them! Once this revelation comes to man then the quality of men takes on the qualities of God! They no longer war against God but submit to his love and quality of character! Then their quality of character takes on the quality of God! This is why we must spread the good news the Gospel as Jesus has commanded us to do! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Life is Habits! Good or Bad!
The strength of a man’s virtue should not be measured by his special exertions, but by his habitual acts! Blaise Pascal. Commentary: What habits did Jesus have? He prayed and fasted! He did not love money as the habit of Judas! Form a habit of taking care of the widows and orphanes! Form a habit of giving tithes and offerings to the work of the Lord while you still can! Do not let sexual pleasures control your life! Come under the control of the Holy Spirit! The rich man in hell could not kick his habit of the love of money! Replace taking habits with giving habits! Blessed more to give than to receive! Form the habit of trusting God rather than your own efforts! Read your Bible daily! Trusting in the right or wrong things are the reason for good or bad habits! Give your bad habits to God in repentance of them! Habits are formed over time! Jesus met with his Father everyday in prayer! Jesus defeated the bad influences of Satan by repeating the Word of God! He said it is written! The written word is ineffective unless it is spoken out of your mouth! God created the worlds by his spoken word! Your thoughts have no power unless they are spoken! No power unless they are written! Those that curse God do so by speaking those words! Those that bless God do so by opening their mouth! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! James & Hamsa Sasse.
My First Night in India!
We had arrived late night on the plane from America to India so it was a short night our first night in India but not without surprises! Madras or Chennai as it is now called had a population of around six million people yet it seemed like the good old rural farm life being raised up on a farm in Nebraska! About four in the morning I was awakened by this squeaking noise? Come to find out is was the pulley on the rope and bucket the servant getting water from the dug well which they did about that time every morning! Since I was awakened I thought I would use the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom I went by the kitchen. There was a small light single bulb hanging from the ceiling by a single wire. As I walked by the light cast a shadow on the wall by my side but there was a shadow of something circling over my head? It was a bat! I looked down on the kitchen floor where there was a pot of rice that had been cooked for the next days food. On top of the mound of rise in the pot was sitting a frog! King of the mountain you might say! Now I felt more challenged to use the bathroom for would it contain more surprises for me? Just a lizard on the wall. The rest of the night remained uneventful but early morning was not going to disappoint me! The roosters started crowing about five! I think everyone owned a chicken? At daybreak the vendors in the streets selling fruits and vegetables and meat began to shout in the streets selling their produce door to door! Breakfast was eventful for me! As the servant poured my milk out of a pitcher into my bowl of cereal luck would have it a roach was riding the wave of milk stream much like a California surfer right into my cereal bowl. He was riding the wave of milk on his back legs! It all seemed to happen so fast! Then the roach disappeared into my cereal! It was hard to smile as a guest in the home across the table from our hosts and pretend everything was alright? A rat scurried out the front door! I bet he does not even pay rent! Later the servant brought a snake out of the back bedroom on a forked shaped wood stick and threw it out into the front yard! Why me Lord? Never should have bought a one way ticket to India but it was all the money we had! Three more years of this will we survive! We did! Even the 107 degree temperature I had with malaria! To take the Gospel to the ends of the earth requires sacrifice but remember the Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system where God sacrificed his life for you on the Cross! The highest form of love is sacrificial love! Not getting but giving! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Practice What We Preach! Exodus 20:2-17
All the maxims or rules of conduct have already been written. It only remains to put them into practice. Blaise Pascal
Gender War on Creation!
And is it not obvious that, just as it is a crime to disturb the peace when truth reigns, it is also a crime to remain at peace when the truth is being destroyed? Blaise Pascal
The Pulpit Challenge!
Men despise religion! They hate it and are afraid it may be true. The cure for this is first to show that religion is not contrary to reason, but worthy of reverence and respect. Next make it attractive, make good men wish it were true and then show that it is! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Culture is the same but the good news is Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Victory over Death! Psalm 116:15
Reflect on death as in Jesus Christ, not as without Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ it is dreadful, it is alarming, it is the terror of nature. In Jesus Christ it is fair and lovely, it is good and holy, it is the joy of the saints. Blaise Pascal Commentary: Jesus Christ conquered death for us! He stepped into the grave and then stepped out of the grave for us! The last enemy of men was defeated! He did it for us! For those that step into death with Christ will be raised from the dead with Christ! He will never leave us nor forsake us! This is why as proclaimed in Psalms 116:15, precious is the death of the saints in the sight of the Lord! He loves to save his people! That is why God came to earth in Jesus Christ! His Son to be a sacrifice for our sin! O’ death where is thy sting? O’ grave where is thy victory? Only God creator of all things can have power over our enemies to deliver us from them! We can forgive our enemies because they have no power over our future in Christ and God has forgiven us who were once enemies of the Cross! Our victory came at a great cost yet he did it for us as undeserving as we are! Grace is God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Green New Deal Gone Blue?
The Biden Administration should take our tax money and buy U-Haul electric trucks to help people flee Blue States to Red States to help them with their moving costs! Thieves are now targeting EV drivers at charging stations as they wait hours to charge their vehicles! They swoop down and rob them and sometimes kill them and take their valuables but interestingly leave their EV vehicles in their charging stations! They even recognize a bad deal!