“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female. And Jesus said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the twain shall be one flesh.”
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Racism 2.0 Full Circle!
Illegal Immigration? Ends Two Party Rule! Then? One World Socialist Government!
Violence & Islam Revelation 20:4
The START database counts a total of 70767 terrorist incidents between 2011 and 2016. A total of 60320 of the incidents- 85% of the global total-occurred in largely Islamic states. A total of 51321 of these incidents-73% of the global total-occurred in the Islamic states of the Middle East and North Africa the MENA region. It is important to note only a relative small portion can be attributed to ISIS. Source: CSIS/ Center for Strategic International Studies. Commentary: Here are two Koran scriptures that will help us understand these horrific crimes. Sura 47:4 “Therefore when you meet unbelievers(in fight), smite their necks.” Sura 8:12 “I will be with you; give firmness to the believers; I will install terror into the heart of the unbelievers, smite above their necks and smite off their fingertips.” In Revelation 20:4 Jesus in heaven is consoling those who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God! There is more so go and read that verse! I could not find on the CSIS report how many victims between 2011 and 2016 were beheaded? Beheadings are not new to Islam however our Bible says to love your enemies! David chopped off the head of Goliath! King Herod chopped off the head of John the Baptist! Back in Leviticus I believe there was an attractive woman who enticed a wicked King and got him drunk and beheaded him! Would not want to meet her on a blind date! So where are we going here? After the future Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ we enter into the seven year Tribulation period headed by the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet! The False Prophet will be the one world government religious leader! My contention is that religion will be Islam! During this time many will still come to Christ during this time not to mention the 144 thousand Jewish Evangelists! Just like today if you come to Christ in an Islamic country you could be beheaded for your faith! This is what Jesus is referring to in Revelation 20:4. As we celebrate Independence Day remember as long as we are dependent on God we will be able to keep our freedoms and independence from the tyranny of Mohammad followers! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in
Independence Day Quote!
Ask not what a Democrat can do for your country but ask a Democrat not to do anything for your country! James Sasse, American Patriot
Country Boy Talk on Transgenderism!
It makes about as much sense as putting a milk bucket under a bull.
Biden & Ancestry.com
Web Site Traffic June 2023
For the month of June we got 3271 visitors. Top five country traffic is: USA, India, Netherlands, China & Great Britain. Top five MP3 audio downloads were; Dutch, Badeshi, Kiswahili & Maithili. Thankyou for your prayers and support to this ministry! James & Hamsa Sasse WhoisGod.in
Biden’s Conflictions!
Biden has appointed cabinet and secretary positions not based on experience and knowledge of their respective departments but are appointed if you have the right gender persuasion! The right color of your skin! Major Pete in charge of our Department of Transportation to wreck our public transportation systems which is your private automobile! Also to get everyone on public transportation off private transportation! But here is the real dilemma! They want you to experience delays and cancellations in the public transportation such as in air travel so you will be miserable to fly anymore and use public transportation also less! Use less fossil fuels! So what is driving this? Their crazy theory on global warming where they want to end all fossil fuel usage across America! Ban your gas stove! Your gas furnace! To bad if you freeze in the winter and cook in the summer! Too bad you cannot afford high energy prices! Your travel will be limited where you get on a bus with hundreds of other people along with the criminals who assault you and your family along the way! No security and no safety! So Mayor Pete wants you to stay in your basement and ride your bicycle to save our planet and your suffering is required to make the world a better place! Biden has appointed crazy people just like himself to control your life with all your choices gone and your freedoms taken away! Vote for Joe if you want more craziness! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.nl
Success Follows Defeat!
No one is discontented at not being a King except a dethroned King! Unhappiness almost invariably indicates a road not taken, a talent undeveloped, a self not recognized! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Thomas Edison was kicked out of school because his teachers said he was too dumb to learn! His mother had to home school him! Rocky Marciano was kicked out of school! He tried football and baseball and failed and was cut from the teams! He had a friend who took him down to the local gymnasium where some amateur boxing was going on. He thought I think I can do this! A perfect fight record of like 58 bouts in the heavy weight division and world champion with not one loss! Michael Jordon was cut from his high school basketball team! The coach said he had no talent! God does not make mistakes but humans do! God did not misgender you! He gave you talents and gifts but you have to discover them! It will take time and effort but you will discover them! People will discourage you along the way but do not listen to them! Pray to God to help you discover the gifts he has put within you! The road to defeat is the same road that leads to victory! Do not give up on yourself! God has not! Find your talents and unleash them on the world where then all of us will be in a better place and you will have a story that will inspire others! The road to the Cross is covered with the blood of Jesus yet this same blood has purchased our redemption! He was raised from the dead to secure your victory over defeat! You just have to receive it! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com