Mr. Ed the Clydesdale horse mascot escaped from his stall yesterday! Why? He overheard the stable hands joking about his upcoming sex change surgery! He ran off to save his nuts! To save himself from the fruitcakes! God initially created man as the most intelligent of the mammals! However lately it seems that animals have more intelligence? You do not have to teach the chameleon to change colors! You do not have to teach the opossum to play dead! A rooster in the chicken house has sex all figured out! I was raised on a farm the animals have no confusion about their gender! The political left is so crazy they want to use artificial intelligence to show them they are correct about their crazy idea’s! Program a robot to agree with you! Poor Mr. Ed has learned the Bud Light Beer Company no longer has money to buy his horse feed! It would not be so bad if horses were the only ones castrated but our children? I heard a preacher on TBN say I do not believe in boycotts? Really? This is the only way we can punish these corporations that go woke! Should we be silent and let the crimes continue? Remember Mr. Pillow? He supported Trump and some of these corporations kicked his pillows out of their stores! So me and millions of Christians purchased his products even though we needed no pillows! His business is booming! Since then I have boycotted every corporation that boycotted him over the past five years! We have the power to break everyone of these corporations that promote the transgender movement! My hat off to the beer drinkers of America but why do they have to lead what we the Christians should have already done? Jesus told some at the last judgment some will say did we not preach in your name? Depart from me you workers of iniquity! Iniquity is to look the other way when our children are being castrated by the woke mob and you say or do nothing! If your bank goes woke change banks! If Walmart goes woke stop shopping there! If a car manufacturer goes woke buy another brand! Our military cannot find enough young people to field a standing Army? Why? Wokeness! People are leaving the military faster than they can recruit! While on deployments the teachers of their children are teaching transgender ideologies! Can you blame them? If we cannot stand up an Army to defend us then we will be taken over by another nation like China! Then the Communists will line them upon a wall the woke mob and shoot them! All judgment is given unto God we just need to do what is right and promote Biblical values! James & Hamsa Sasse.