Author: whoisgod
Tithing Up & Tithing Down! 1 Kings 17:13-14
“And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou has said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and thy son. For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.” Commentary: Elijah was a prophet that warned King Ahab of a pending drought to come upon the land! God moved Elijah to a brook off the Jordan River for water during the drought and sent a raven to feed him morning and night! However the brook eventually dried up because of the severe drought and the God sent Elijah to a widow and her only son for provision! The widow told Elijah she only had a small bit of flour and oil and she was making that for herself and her son for one last meal and then they were going to die! Elijah told her just give me a little of what you have left and then God will provide for all of us until the drought ends! God is saying have the faith to trust me with a little of what you have and I will multiply it! The little boy with two fish and five loaves was asked of Jesus just give me what you have and I will feed the multitudes! Are you broke and nearly out of gas? God says give me what little is left in the tank and watch me fill it up to overflowing abundance to supply to the nations! Joyce Meyer was sexually abused by her father and thought she had nothing left to give but gave what little was left of her life and God multiplied her ministry to feed the nations! Do not hang unto worthless things that would impede God from releasing blessings to the nations through your life! Who would have thought a widow and her son on their last meal before starvation could benefit from giving a tithe to Elijah the prophet of God also on his last meal before destruction? Whatever you have left great or small give to God and he will multiply it back to you and the overflow to bless people beyond what you could have ever done with it by yourself! Trust God with what you have and he will give you what you do not have! You may think you are too old or too young or too poor or too sick to be of any worth to God but try and see what miracles he will perform in your life as he has done before with so many in history that had the faith to try him and prove him to be the God he claims to be in the scriptures of your Holy Bible! Did you ever notice God’s Prophets suffer with their people! They predict the judgments and the blessings and live with them both among the people! Jesus the suffering servant our best example yet has made away for us to heaven awaiting for the return of those who trust him! Trusting him with our sin and our redemption! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Can Satan Be Redeemed? Ezekiel 28:15
Ezekiel says Lucifer who became Satan was perfect in his ways from the day he was created until iniquity was found in him! How did this happen? He was the choir leader in heaven leading praise for the choirs of heaven! He next to God had the top job in heaven! There is no sin in heaven yet his pride got the best of him and he woke up one day and said I want to be God! I want the top position in heaven! So he led a rebellion in heaven against God and was kicked out of heaven with one third of the angels that followed him in this rebellion! So war began in heaven! Lucifer with his rebellious angels cast down to earth! Then war followed them on earth as they lead rebellions against God on earth finding ways to deceive men into rebellion against God here on earth! Satan cannot be redeemed because his sin is against God in heaven! We as humans created by God can sin against God here on earth but are offered redemption by God through his Son Jesus Christ! But for man to reject his redemption while living on earth then there is no redemption for men after death and their status is the same as for Satan! Remember the one unpardonable sin if men commit is unforgiveable? Blaspemy against the Holy Spirit! This is a sin against God in heaven! More than just a sin against men here on earth! Remember Peter denied Jesus three times yet he repented and was restored to a right position by Jesus and a great Apostle of the Church! Judas would not repent and his sin then blocked redemption in his life! We cannot have a discussion here without including Hebrews 6:4-8. This is a warning shot against the bow of all Christians riding on the good ship hope! This is serious stuff here and we all including me need to pay attention! It says it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good Word of God, and the powers of the world to come, and shall fall away for to renew them again unto repentance seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame. If God would look the other way for those who tasted redemption and then turned against his Christ would be cheap grace! Who was in heaven when Lucifer rebelled? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit! When you go to heaven after your physical death who will be in heaven with you? The Trinity! You can only come to heaven by the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross for you and you receiving this gift while on earth! If you receive him and then reject him it is the same as rejecting him forever! If you believe you have rejected him a second time for all reception of Christ always begins with the initial rejection of him by all of us then just repent and leave the results to Christ continuing to live for him while you are here on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Hitler! Social Justice Warrior!
“I will employ my strength for the welfare of the German people, protect the Constitution and the laws of the German people, conscientiously discharge the duties imposed on me, and conduct my affairs of office impartially and with justice for everyone.” Adolph Hitler. Commentary: Really sounds good and would have convinced you to vote for him? The Nazi socialist State had big social welfare benefits! Old age insurance (Social Security), universal healthcare, holidays for mothers, extra food for large families, rent supplamants, over 8 thousand day care centers, old age homes and interest free loans! It was a social re-distribution of wealth! Tax the rich! They had social welfare programs for poor families and pregnant women. Welfare for children! Hitler’s economy became known as the “Vampire Economy”! Blood sucking the funds of successful people and giving it to the poor! The modern day Robin Hood! Hitler had a GLM movement! German Lives Matter! Problem was he could only sustain this welfare economy by invading other nations and stealing their wealth! Here in America we just pile on more debt to sustain the welfare State! In socialism to be voted into office you need two things. You need an oppressor and the oppressed! You need victims to justify your ideology! The oppressors in Nazi Germany were the Capitalist Jews! Everyone else was the victim! So the final solution was the obvious end to their socialist ideology! When you pit one group against another you have the formula for socialism! Diversity is used to divide a nation! Tear it down and destroy it! Tribalism moves in and division is the result! So what about America today? What are the socialists doing to foster division? Who are the alleged oppressed and the oppressors? The oppressors are the 80 million people who voted for Donald Trump! The oppressed are everyone else! So we must use the levers of government to go after them! We must go after the Christian conservatives because they are our enemies! They must weaponize the Department of Justice, FBI, IRS and all other arms of government to suppress them and punish them! Drag them into our court system to accuse them of alleged crimes and especially their leader Donald Trump and all his followers! We must make them pay! We have not yet arrived at the final solution for the oppressors by the alleged oppressed but we are getting closer to that persecution of Christians across America from the left! Just continue to love God and your neighbor as Jesus commanded us to do but understand in the near future here in America it will cost you more to follow Jesus as we are in the last days before Christ’s second coming! God Bless America and her Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK
Boycott Target! Why Purchase Evil?
Reclaim The Rainbow! #1 i-Tunes Hit
Deep State Tyranny on American Citizens!
Having been unable to strengthen Justice, we have justified strength! Blaise Pascal
What Would You Have Done? Garden of Eden?
Senator John Kennedy says knowing what I know now I would have thrown the apple away and have eaten the snake!
Democrats War on Middle Class!
White House Cocaine Deal!
There are some reports that they have 3 suspects in regards to cocaine found in our White House! Suspect Number One: Hunter Biden Suspect Number Two: Hunter Biden Suspect Number Three: Hunter Biden. Reports are the cocaine went to the Big Guy! Since he cannot even count the number of his grandchildren he may be on drugs! The odds makers in Las Vegas are saying the odds of this incident are not connected to the Biden’s are one in infinity!