Revelation 16:17 “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying it is done.” Commentary: This chapter describes the last seven plagues poured out by God unto the inhabitants of the earth who had persecuted the Christians! Most theologians believe this event occurs during the seven year tribulation period after the Rapture of the Church from the earth to heaven. Our present airborne Coronavirus is the result of sin but not part of these seven plagues. Sin always brings sickness, disease and death! This present virus is the result of humans consuming bats out of China. The diseased bats are then transmitted to humans! The Book of Leviticus in your Bible details the birds of prey you are not to consume including the bat! Jewish dietary laws are provided to us by God for our health! The sin of one man Adam lead to the death of all! The sacrifice of the God/man Christ has provided for the redemption of all! I heard on the news yesterday China has opened up it’s meat markets again that sell bats, dogs, scorpions and other prohibited foods to the public! The government is in denial as to the source of this virus! Redemption always requires confession of our sin! No confession no repentance! No confession is a sin! For all have sinned! So why does Satan want to attack our breath through lung disease? God breathed into us the breath of life! Some people use their breath to praise God and some to curse God! Which do you do? Remember after 50 days after Jesus ascended to heaven he sent his Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind upon the disciples! Satan wants through respiratory diseases to take away your breath! So you can never praise God! After the seven vial judgments the inhabitants of the earth still refused to repent? It is hard to understand the rebellion in men? Fools! Separated forever from God in Hell! The only way any of us can escape the judgment of God is to receive his Son Jesus Christ who took our judgment upon himself at the Cross! We do not live by fear but by faith! Faith in God who is able to deliver us from sin and death! To live is Christ and to die is gain! No one can defeat you with this attitude towards life! James and Hamsa Sasse.