Wall Street War on Middle Class!

Why did Wall Street buy 20 percent of all middle class homes for sale last year? It is really a double edged sword! For the middle class home ownership is the way to grow wealth by the increase of equity in their home over time. Wall Street wants to turn middle class home owners into renters so that they may get the equity out of these homes instead of the home owner main street Americans! Mixed with this is a socialist ideology to destroy middle class America by removing property ownership for they stand in the way of a socialist government where the State owns everything and controls every aspect of our lives how we transport ourselves through public transportation and where we can live and work! President Trump if re-elected can once again break this cycle of socialist ideology and return prosperity to middle class Americans! America is not up for sale and until we get leaders who will not sell America out for a buck our decline will continue with the latest the downgrade of our credit rating the first time in history! Why? Government debt! It will cost us more to borrow money! America is worth saving but it starts with leaders who actually love America more than their money! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu

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