Key to Happiness! John 16:7

Happiness can be found neither in ourselves nor in external things, but in God and in ourselves as united to him! Blaise Pascal Commentary: I am not as smart as Blaise Pascal the math and science genius who lived back in the 1600’s so I had to learn this truth the hard way on my death bed as a then young man chasing the elusive dreams the world tried to offer me! These promises the world gives you look like light at the end of the tunnel but it is a train! Christ came into my room that night and my world was transformed from darkness to light! From death to life! Jesus then sent his Holy Spirit into me and has been present with me ever since for the past 50 years! There is a lesson here that Pascal was trying to teach us! How does Jesus find comfort outside of himself? After all he is God in the flesh! Does he need anything the creator of the entire universe? He could make a million universes besides the one we live in! He found comfort in the unity of the Trinity! He did not work outside of his submission to the Father and the Holy Spirit! He never crossed the line and tried to do something outside of the will of his Father! He never violated the Holy Scriptures performing an act contrary to them! Satan tried his best to get him to violate his God given purpose with the temptations but he never took the bait! He countered the twisted scriptures Satan tried to feed him and took those misquoted scriptures and spoke them accurately as they are written! We are created by God and all our external things around us but those including ourselves can never bring the happiness for which we are seeking! We are looking in the wrong places! Only our unity with Christ and his word and the indwelling Holy Spirit will give us true happiness in this life and the one to come! Truth is truth and it does not matter what century we are living in or the cultural lies Satan is using to draw us away from the only one who can fill your void with his love! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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