Serve the Small and the Great! Matthew 23:11

Lord, help me to do great things as though they were little, since I do them with your power; And little things as though they were great, since I do them in your name! Blaise Pascal Commentary: Jesus left heaven to earth to serve! He left earth to heaven to serve and he will come back to earth again from heaven to serve! Sacrifice is God’s first, middle and last name! He owns it! Perfect love is sacrificial! No athlete ever won a game by withholding sacrifice! He or she expends all the energy pain and suffering to win the prize! They give their all! They sacrifice themselves for the prize! God lost everything to win your soul! His body bloodied on a Cross for you! He conquered death so he could raise us from the dead! We never won a war unless young men and women laid down their lives for our country! Criminals and Satan try to sacrifice others for their gain! What gain is it for Satan to do this? To populate hell with people just like himself! God does not go around killing people! He was killed to save us! He gave gifts unto men! He sends his Holy Spirit to us! To comfort us and encourage us until Christ’s return at his second coming! Jesus disciples wanted to know who was the greatest! Jesus who is top dog? Not by winning a dog fight but serving other dogs! Instead of taking life give your life to others! Give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and overflowing! This is not rocket science! What God wants you to do is counter to your pride and the flesh! The flesh wants to be served but God wants you to serve others! Sacrifice requires pain to yourself to help others! You hurt yourself to help others! You are a giver not a taker! In doing what God says we are to do a joy comes into our soul! Why? You become God like! Together we celebrate the joy of our salvation! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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