How to Experience His Love? Luke 7:47-48

Words of Jesus: “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he saith unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.” Commentary: Jesus here has a teaching moment for his disciples which includes you and me! A Pharisee a religious ruler of that day invited Jesus to dinner at his house. This servant girl heard that Jesus would be at this home so she comes in to meet Jesus and bows at his feet and begins to cry and weep then wipes the feet of Jesus with her tear soaked hair! She even kissed his feet! The religious leaders got mad saying if Jesus knew how bad this girl is he would have rejected her! This woman experienced the redemptive love of Jesus and repented with tears! Why is it the religious rulers felt no need of repentance and tried to discourage her repentance? They were hiding their sin behind a religious cloak! True repentance requires we lay everything out on the table before God! We cannot hide anything from him so why try? The Pharisees hid their sin and then plotted to kill Jesus! People respond differently to the love of God! Some will retain their sin and persecute Jesus and his disciples and others will repent of their evil and receive forgiveness! History has shown us that the greatest sinners that repent have become the greatest disciples of Jesus Christ! After this important lesson taught us by the master we should have no problem with taking the good news to prisoners, prostitutes, street people, bums sleeping under park benches, drug addicts, gays, lesbians, transgenders, crooked politicians, hospitals, half way houses, homeless and those living under the condemnation of guilt! Or we can just live under a religious cloak attending church only with no purpose other than to look good in the community! Church is a college to learn how to take the Gospel out into your community! But to become a professional student for the rest of your life never applying what you have learned is really a professional religious bum! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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