Just another Christmas? Zephaniah 1:7 (630 B.C.)

“Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.” Commentary: The Old Testament Zephaniah lived about 600 years before the birth of Christ! He is considered one of the minor prophets prophesizing during the reign of King Josiah just before his reforms! The term “day of the Lord” used here refers to judgment! The Hebrew word for day used here means an exact point in time when light is expressed pushing away the darkness! It expresses time as linear and the occurrence of successive events in history. It is the history of redemption! The Lord hath prepared! Prepared meaning steadfast, sure, reliable in a fixed time setting redemption in order! He prepared a sacrifice for the redemption of man! The word sacrifice in the Hebrew means an offering provided by God involving the shed blood or death of the sacrifice at God’s own expense! Bid his guests? The invitation has gone out to all the inhabitants of the earth! Whosoever will! So Christmas is about a sacrifice provided by God himself for our redemption! Why is this important? If you dismiss this you set yourself up for judgment by your own choice! The heathen living around Israel were idol worshippers! They had many gods! One of their gods was Molech! He was the god of child sacrifices! Would be like abortion here in America! Like gender mutilation now active here in America today! So what did the little false gods do or require of their worshippers! Their gods required the sacrifice of their worshippers like child sacrifice and gender mutilation! Satan will always make you the sacrifice! The true God our Christ came as a baby incarnated into flesh to sacrifice himself for his worshippers! I cannot make this any simpler for you to understand and without this revelation then this is just another Christmas for you! American culture has replaced the true God of heaven and earth with the little false gods that will destroy our nation with abortion, crime, illegal immigration, drugs, corruption, socialism and every other little man made gods that extract a human toll on our nation! We can turn back to the true God where he makes the sacrifice for us and became sin for us to deliver us from evil! America is at a cross roads and to survive we must follow the Cross for the redemption of our people! If not judgment is rendered to our nation! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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