Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought. President Joe Biden. Commentary: My Bible says as a man thinks so is he! Traditional values here in America are Christian values that have been our bedrock of culture for over 200 years! These values have promoted America above all competition in every metric measure of success as leaders of the free world! However the political left now has an all out war on these traditional values! Darkness replaces light! Crime replaces law and order! Deception replaces transparency! Open borders replace National sovereignty! Abortion replaces the protection of the baby in a mother’s womb! Gay couples replace traditionl marriage! Gender confusion denies the reality of your gender! Laws are crafted to protect the lawless and punish the law and order citizens! If you resist these changes you will be punished by the State! The two party system will be replaced with a one party rule like China, Russia, North Korea and Iran! Dictators run a one party system! Jesus predicted a one world government would rule the world led by the Anti-Christ just before his second coming back to earth! Only Christians here on earth stand in the way of their plans! That is why Trump is such a threat to them! He supports traditional Christian values! The good news is these are signs the return of Christ is closer than ever in world history! Soon our Christmas Tree will be replaced with Christ the creator of heaven and earth standing directly in front of the living and the dead where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.