Old is Still Gold!

“By subjecting these various hypotheses to economic analysis, Jones concludes that the upward trend for production innovators is not merely the aging population, but in fact of a substantial decline in the innovation potential of those in middle age. other things equal, the less time innovators spend successfully innovating, the smaller will their lifetime output. In fact, estimates point to a 30 percent decline in the life-cycle innovation potential in the 20th century.” Source: NBER Research, Benjamin Jones, Age and Great Inventions, Digest No. 12, December 2005. Commentary: Part of his study thought that young people are spending too much time in pursuing education deducting from their potential for inventions! You remember Bill Gates dropped out of college! Do not let this culture write you off because of your age! I am finding my most productive years are my later years! Remember Moses began his ministry at the age of eighty! God is not done with you so do not give up on yourself! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com

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