“You cannot divorce religious belief and public service! I have never detected any conflict between God’s will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.” President Jimmy Carter. Commentary: The concept of separation of church and state is not in our Constitution! This phrase came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist preacher in Connecticut where the Congregational Church was the dominant denomination there at that time. The pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1602 because of religious persecution by the State controlled Church of England! There will always be a tension between the church and the state! Balance is required and too much power granted to either one can be a loose canon! If God does not influence our nation for righteousness then we are a doomed people! If we do not believe we all will answer to God for our thoughts and actions then anything goes! Our Constitution is based upon Biblical law such as we shall not steal or kill are two fine examples! If our laws are ignored and not enforced by the state as in our present political climate then anarchy will follow! Even another civil war! If we have rules without enforcement then we have no rules! If we have enforcement without rules then persecution by the State against her own people results is where the political climate is right now! Persecution by the State or the Church will end up with the same destructive results! When any State goes after political opponents using the weapons of the State whether FBI or IRS then freedom is crushed and a dictatorship will come as a two party system is destroyed! However freedom loving people will resist these moves by the State to crush our liberties! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com