Sowing & Reaping! 2 Corinthians 9:6

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; but he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully.” Commentary: The key here is hidden in the Greek root word for our English word bountiful! This word bountiful means a blessing from God! Not that you are so smart to double your money or get ahead by craft but having enough faith in what God says to do to be granted his blessings! This blessing satisfies completely! People that get more want more! The vicious cycle never ends! Sowing begins with your tithes and offerings that belong to God! You acknowledge his ownership of your life! You are not your own you are bought with a price! If you try to cheat God you get cheated! Without God you work hard but never get ahead! Your money bag has holes in it! But give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and overflowing! God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that he who believeth in him shall never perish but have everlasting life! God is a giver! Satan is a taker! God gives life at birth! Satan takes life through abortion! Satan takes life through unbelief in God and his word! Satan steals! He lies! God is truth and rewards those who follow him! Who are you investing in? God has already invested in you at the Cross now you by faith must invest your life in him! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Invest in his church! His work here on earth! His blessings exceed any gain you may achieve in this life! His blessings last forever! Not affected by the economy, politics, stock market, plagues, even your health! Even your age young or old! His blessings are independent of circumstances! God living in you is independent of other people’s opinion of you! The world may hate you because of Christ but he holds the future of everyone! They can put you in prison as they did Paul but he wrote chapters of your Bible from prison! They can put you in a prison camp like they did with John on Patmos but after his day job in a rock quarry he had a night job writing the Book of Revelation! Thy will be done thy Kingdom come! Do you have enough faith to sow some seeds into the Kingdom of God? To invest your God given resources back to him so he can multiply it into souls rescued from the fire! Invest the life he has given you back into himself? Without faith it is impossible to please God! Are you a giver or a taker? It takes no faith to be a taker! Only a carnal mind without God! You only need enough faith to believe in God and then to act like God! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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