Greek Translation: “For we know that, if our created earthly bodies and our spiritual building the church were dissolved, we have a fervent without ceasing intense building of God, a spiritual residency not made with deceased hands, eternal that is God’s life in you not affected by time or location with no beginning and no end forever providing you eternal life in the permanently owned residency of God.” Commentary: Let me make this as simple as I can! God created you and has given you a temporary residency here on earth. Then you get saved through his Son attend a local church in worship and the Holy Spirit moves into your residency here on earth! God moves in with you! Now you are not alone! Then through death you get evicted from your earthly residency having a change of address! Then God moves out with you and takes you to your new home in heaven! Those that while living here on earth reject Christ Satan moves in with them and upon death moves with them to hell their new residency! This is the Gospel in a nut shell! This is the unvarnished truth that everyone will either accept or reject determining their present and future residency and who occupies their residency here on earth and after death their forever eternity! James & Hamsa Sasse.