Badeshi Language Top MP3 Download for July 2022!

We have our Gospel Tract in over one hundred audio download languages on our web site so what is significant about this language? Let me explain first by giving a brief history of this language. This language is an almost extinct Indo-Iranian language spoken in Pakistan. Ethnologue, “Languages of the World”, stated that Badeshi had not been spoken for at least three generations but in 2018 the BBC found three men who could still speak the language. About 15 years ago when we began this language translation work on our web site we hired translators from around the world and translation work companies to do this work. We found translators in Pakistan to do some of their languages. One of those languages was Badeshi yet at the time I did not understand the significance? When I checked out all the languages our Bible has been translated into Badeshi was never translated. So it is possible that the few Badeshi speaking people in Northern Pakistan may have been first exposed to the Gospel by our language translation of our Gospel tract! When we do something for the Lord often we do not fully understand the significance of our work and often times it takes years to comprehend and even generations later to see the results! The work we do for our Lord is an eternal work not constrained by the passage of time! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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