Commentary: So what got Jesus upset at them? There is a lot of money to be made in the God business! Selling religious books, diet plans, food supplements, sleep aids and the list goes on and on! I thought all I needed was Jesus? All I need is my Bible? Jesus was upset at the money changers in the Temple! Selling blood sacrifices for the Temple. Forget prayers just give us your money said the religious leaders! We love you as long as your money continues! Did you ever feel this way about a ministry? Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! That includes the church! Do not bother me with your letters or calls! We have bigger fish to fry! You know what I think bothered Jesus more than the commercialization of the church was that the real sacrifice was standing before them in flesh and blood and they were blind to the truth! I was once blind to him but now I see! The one and true blood sacrifice for all men whoever have lived or ever will live was just a breath away from them! Then you will notice in verse 18 the religious leaders plotted to kill him! Ironically they were going to kill and shed the blood of the only sacrifice that would save them! My evil brought me to the Savior! The greatest joy I have ever experienced was that love he had for me on my death bed as a young man! God loves you! Those words burned as a branding iron into my soul! His scars on the Cross healed my wounds! Whenever I am in pain I think of the Cross! The crown of thorns, the lashes with the whip, the spikes driven into his limbs! For what? For my evil ways! I weep when I think of it! All because of me! When you begin to follow Jesus it will require a sacrifice from you! They will try to do the same things to you they did to Jesus! Sacrificed by your friends, family and even sometimes the church! You will be mocked, despised and rejected of men! You are the devil! You are a hoax! Jesus saved you can you not even save yourself? Stop wearing your religion on your sleeve! Just shut up we do not want to hear about your Jesus! Rejection comes with following Jesus yet those that reject you cannot save you from hell! They cannot raise you from the dead only Jesus! They cannot forgive you of your sin! Only Jesus! When you and your mockers close your eyes in death one day we will all awaken standing in the presence of Jesus who judges the living and the dead! Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you but all bets are off on everyone else! James & Hamsa Sasse.