Are You a Remnant? Romans 11:5

Romans 11:5 “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” Commentary: So what is a remnant? According to the Greek translation it is a group of people who fail or refuse to be absent! That is they are intentional! They live with purpose not by accident! The word time here means today in this season! Not yesterday! Not tomorrow! Living with opportunity in this season! Time is respected because it is a gift from God! His election! God chose you! God cast his vote for you! By his grace! He expects no return! If he did he would not have gone to the Cross for those that reject him! He died for you whether you appreciate it or not! There was a time when I rejected Christ! Then I recognized my error and repented! God did not change for he is the same yesterday, today and forever! I changed! I only serve Christ today because only he made it possible! So does God pick winners and losers? No! You decide whether you are a winner or a loser! He voted for you now you must decide to vote for him! For he died for the whole world! Grace allows you the time to recognize you cannot save yourself and you need the Savior! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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