Is it Possible to Please God? Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith! Remember Abraham was a gentile not a Jew! Yet his faith in God put him in the Patriarch Hall of Fame! The word Jew did not come along until Jacob and his twelve sons who one tribe was named Judah! The name Jew is a short name for Judah which means praise! The Jews are not so much a racial division as a group of people who praise the God Jehovah and their identity with him has been constant over history! This gives the gentiles hope in that we come to Jehovah by faith in him and his promises to us! Christ is a Jew yet he opened the door to the gentiles to come to him by faith and the Jews have to do the same thing! Trusting is Christ yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever! Where is your faith placed in? Who do you trust? Politics? Media? Government? Misplaced trust in institutions and people can turn deadly! Do not trust the untrustworthy! Do you trust this world or in the world to come where Christ rules with perfect justice and where his love for us is demonstrated to going to the Cross for our sin! A trustworthy person is someone who lays down his life for you! Only God did this for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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