Hirohito had a laboratory constructed on the grounds of the Akasaka palace where he could carry out his research; Hattori was subsequently promoted to laboratory director. From Hattori, Hirohito also gained an appreciation for Darwinism. In the Imperial library a bust of Charles Darwin stood alongside those of Lincoln and Napoleon. Source: History of Oceanography, Emperor Hirohito: The Marine Biologist Who Ruled Japan. August 15, 2015. Commentary: Darwinism spread across Europe, America and Asia in the 20th Century! The more study I do on this subject the more I understand it was the cause of WWII. You can find very few quotes by Hirohito? The reason is the government of Japan after their surrender in WWII sealed all the records that hides the ideology behind the rise of Imperial Japan. I would love to be a fly on the wall in those sealed vaults! I can only find eight quotes by Hirohito on record. The question is what were the dates of those few quotes? He passed on in 1989 and was not punished for his war crimes! If made after the surrender of Japan after WWII then these are just apologetic quotes about the war. One quote I see is he used the word species! This is Darwin talk! Darwin promotes pride and the only way a race of people can prove they are the stronger and superior species is to raise up an army and conquer other nations! This is what happened in the 20th Century WWII where bad actor’s set out to prove Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest! Darwinism promotes racism! All the bad actor’s of WWII were Darwinist! The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941 was driven by the same ideology the caused Hitler to invade Europe and the establishment of the Communist regimes in Russia and China! Darwinism fuels division and competition among and in nations to prove superiority politically and eventually through violence! It is the same Darwin ideology that fuels the radical agenda of the American political left! Jesus is still today the Prince of Peace and you cannot find a lasting peace in your life without him! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com