Deceitful means to trick, entrap or craft with guile and subtility! It means to adulterate or corrupt the Word of God! To cause deceit in the mind. It means to bait a trap to catch a victim. It means to bring bondage and slavery as opposed to liberty and freedom. It is to deceive by false reasoning. It is to cause someone to wander from the truth. It is interesting that the Greek word for handling and deceit is the same root word. So what? Keep your hands off the Word of God! Do not pervert it! The “Word” used here is Logos or the spoken word. The word Lego means to speak intelligently. We all may have a problem with this? We have all made dumb mistakes but hopefully not intentional! This subject Paul is talking about points to our heart. Someone using the Word of God deceitfully is trying to gain advantage over someone for personal gain! It is trying to manipulate someone for a desired outcome! You might call it witchcraft “Light.” What are some examples? The church selling indulgences. A Pastor advises the wife in his congregation to divorce her husband and then marries her and leaves the church. I am praying for you so it is the only reason you are Blessed! Nothing to do with God? You need to put more money in the offering plate so you remain Blessed! I saw a vision where you were killed in an accident but I prayed for you and now you are safe! The reason your family member is sick is because you spend too much time in the ministry! You are in trouble now because you spend too little time in the ministry! These are all examples of manipulations to bring fear and guilt! What would be examples of not using the Word of God deceitfully? The Lord spoke to me that you need to go the the mission field! Please pray for confirmation and from others confirming your call! If you go give your tithes and offerings to the churches you minister to on the mission field. Even though we are a small church God will provide! The use of God’s Word un-deceitfully means a sacrifice from you is required to help others! To use the Word of God deceitfully means you sacrifice others for your benefit! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.