Baking Soda!

“In 1918 & 1919 while fighting the pandemic ‘Flu’ with the U.S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.” Dr. Volney S. Cheney, 1924. Comment: The Spanish Flu killed over six hundred thousand Americans and over 30 million world wide! Could the answer be in your kitchen? Suggest you talk to your Medical Doctor before beginning a regiment! Baking Soda is sodium or salt! Excess salt can cause problems like raising your blood pressure and affecting kidney functions! The virus loves to cling to the acidity in your body! Baking soda is an alkaline which neutralizes the acid in your body! Rolaids is an example of an anti-acid for indigestion! However you need acid to digest your food! Baking soda would need to be taken between meals! If you already have a compromised system you must talk to your Doctor! The difference between the Spanish Flu and the Coronavirus is that the Spanish Flu killed many of the young people! The Spanish Flu was a virus also but the microscopes then were not powerful to identify it as a virus! If in the fall we get the regular flu season and a second wave of the Coronavirus I will go on Baking Soda for a season! It does not take much! One half teaspoon or so! The Spanish flu was from the pig! Like the swine flu! Your Bible says not to eat pork! That was written four thousand years ago! Truth is always truth no matter what generation! We are not to eat birds of prey like the bat! According to the Bible! However you need to tell the Chinese to remove their bat soup delicacy from their menu! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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