Do Not Add or Subtract!

Revelation 22:18-19  Greek Translation: “For I testify unto every man that hears the intelligent written words of the prophetic rank of this Book of writing where the names of the souls of the saved are written down and that any man who shall add unto it shall add the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life with the names of the saved written therein, and out of the Holy City inclusive with those separated, consecrated and devoted to serve God and the promises to them written in this Book.” Comment: What would be some examples of adding to the Word of God? Darwinism, Evolution, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, atheism, humanism, secularism, socialism, communism, fascism, Nazism, ANTIFA, and the list goes on and on! Democracy established in our U.S. Constitution is the closest we can get to the Theocracy of God! Our three branches of government are patterned after the Trinity! Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The trinity of government is the legislative, executive and judicial branches. This balance of power assures liberty and freedom and helps to prevent tyranny! The Father is the law giver or legislative branch. Moses was given the ten Commandments! Jesus Christ his Son is the executive branch! He executes the laws with judgment and redemption! All judgment is given unto the Son! The Holy Spirit is the interpreter of the Law! He is the judicial branch! When I read scriptures the Holy Spirit interprets the Bible for me! Do you think the Apostle John understood everything he recorded in the Book of Revelation given to him by the angel? No! The Holy Spirit helps you to interpret it! God has created all people since the beginning of time! That is God has chosen you! He has given you life! All that is left for you to do is choose him! We can refuse to believe the scriptures! We can choose our own way of sin and death! We can refuse Creation and replace it with Evolution! We can reject the Trinity! We can reject the virgin birth! We can reject salvation! We can reject the resurrection! We can reject the sacraments! We can embrace atheism! We can refuse the blood of Christ! Happy Holidays but no Crosses allowed! Do not mention his name! Do not say Christmas! To mock his name is no problem! Remember the Jefferson Bible? Thomas Jefferson tore out every page of the Bible he did not believe! The Jefferson Bible is a very thin Bible! It is on display today in some museums! He subtracted from the Word of God! You are free to chose Heaven or Hell! When it comes to your Bible it is better to have poor math skills so you cannot add or subtract from it! It will save your soul! There are blessings and consequences in life and eternity based on our choices! If the culture of America rejects Christ then the Democracy will not save you! Evil people will elect evil leaders! This is why our Founding Father’s said this Democracy will not survive unless we have a religious people to sustain it! We are in a war between good and evil! You are going to have to choose a side most likely you already have! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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