Comment: Only Noah and his family escaped the worldwide flood that destroyed the entire population of the world! Was it global warming? I do not know if Noah was a Republican or a Democrat but the only one left not to participate in the sin of the then world! By faith he had to build an ark! In Genesis 1:28 just after God created male and female what was his first command to Adam and Eve? Be fruitful and multiply! Gay’s, lesbians and transgenders in the day’s of Noah and just like today they cannot be fruitful and multiply by child birth! Just like abortion the sinners lifestyle reduces populations! God after the flood put a rainbow in the sky as a sign to us that he would never flood the whole earth again! Is it not interesting that the sign of the homosexual movement is a rainbow! They mock God and get in his face and say see you cannot destroy us again because you promised! Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:27 make it clear of the consequences of their sin! So in their pride will they repent? The first sin against God was pride! The final judgment of the earth will not be by water but by fire! Much like Sodom and Gomorrah! God has mercy and if they repent their judgment is removed by Jesus who took their judgment on the Cross! If not their sin will judge them with high suicide rates and diseases! God will not be mocked! Confess your sin before it is too late! You can choose judgment or mercy but it is your choice to make! James and Hamsa Sasse.