Will Trump Win? Revelation 19:10

According to the Spirit of Prophecy Jesus Christ Trump will win! What do I mean? A prophet in the Church of Jesus Christ Kim Clements prophesized back in 2013 that Trump will serve 2 terms! Yes 3 years before Trump ran for President! Then back in 2007 he prophesized a man would come to political power by the name of Trump! He would put America back in the hands of government that actually served the people instead of the Deep State serving itself and trying to hang unto power sacrificing the American people for their benefit! Remember 2007 was before Obama was elected! I have a personal experience with Kim Clements and his ministry! Our then church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia back in the 1990’s invited him to do ministry to the members of Harvest Cathedral. After him holding nightly meetings for a week I knew this guy was the real deal! Kim passed on in 2016 the same year Trump was elected President! His prophetic messages are on YouTube for the world to see for themselves! Jesus Christ has given his Church the prophetic word to those who will trust and obey his commands! Trump being re-elected this November will be prophetic! God Bless America! James & Hamsa IsGodReal.eu
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