Trump! For Such a Time as This! Esther 4:14

God has raised up Trump to protect America and the Jews from destruction by our enemies! From the State run Media to the Deep State desperate to hang on to power willing to do anything to Trump even assassination like the Democrats did to Lincoln! He cannot be bought off or forced by any threats to accomplish his purpose to save America! Even from the 501c tax exempt church where the government pays them money to shut up and look the other way in the midst of evil! Trump has taken even bullets to revive America and return her to her greatness! His policies brought peace and prosperity to America and the world where now 4 years later under a Biden/Harris administration the world is on fire with wars and economic chaos! Hold fast your faith and pray for Trump as we enter a very chaotic season of elections! God remove our fear of men and replace that with the love of God! Restore hope to a hopeless people and once again where liberty and justice will shine across our nation from sea to shining sea! Free from deep State tyrannical leaders and a nation once again turning to our God who will deliver us from all evil! God Bless America! IsGodReal.UK

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