Did you ever play the lottery? I have a few times when jackpot was over a billion dollars! However that does not change the odds! Greater chance of being struck by lightening than win a lottery! If your odds are 1 in 242 million chances well then is only one right number combinations to win but 242 million combinations not to win! So when you buy a ticket there are 242 million ways not to win! The spiritual world and the natural world are similar! Jesus said there is only one way to heaven! There are millions of ways not to get to heaven! Choose Jesus or choose your own way! One way leads to life the other way leads to death! God created you and the world we live in so we have to play by his rules! It is all about ownership! God owns it all! Some people think they own something! Wrong decisions are based upon the deception that we own what belongs to God! Jesus purchased our redemption with his own blood! The blood of God pure and holy! You often hear the myth that all roads lead to heaven? It is like saying does not matter what lottery ticket numbers I choose they are all winners! There is a way that seems right unto a man but leads to death! Jesus purchased your ticket to heaven! He paid the price! The price was the Cross! If you bet on losers you will lose! Only one winner so follow Jesus who defeated death hell and the grave for you! Lottery corporations keep half the income from ticket sales but God did not hold back anything from you and gave his all for you! He did not hold back anything that was yours he gave his all! Eternal life is yours by him! Redemption is yours by him! Why should you hold yourself back from him? Hold back what he has given you? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.in