Cure for Death! 2 Corinthians 5:4

“For we in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened not for what we would be unclothed, but clothed upon; that mortality might be swallowed up of life.” Commentary: How is death swallowed up in victory? Who has power over death hell and the grave? Only the God who is exempt from death yet took on your death and sin on the Cross to defeat our last enemy death! He has clothed us with a sinless garment! Clothed in the most high! Born again! We all live under the shadow of death but do not be afraid of your own shadow! A shadow is only cast by an image of light! Jesus is the light of the world! In him is no darkness! Your life is two sides of the same coin! One side is death and the other side is life! Christ is the head and not the tail! Do not just flip a coin and hope for the best but live your life on the side of the coin that brings life! Life eternal like forever! We will all live forever some place heaven or hell depending on our choice! We will not get to heaven or hell by accident but by a choice! If you flip the coin in the air call heads because his coin is the same on both sides! Life and redemption for all that look for him! No longer separated from God but living for him as he lived and died for you! Jesus is the head of all creation! Male and female! Heaven and earth! Trust him with your life and your death! He promised to raise you from the dead as he was raised from the dead! Seated at the right hand of the Father judging the living and the dead! He defeated your sin for you! Something you could never do on your own! Saved by grace and not of yourselves! He will prove faithful to you both in life and in death! Precious to God in his sight is the death of his saints! Precious because he has rescued us from death to live with him forever! Jesus said I have gone to prepare a place for you! This mansion will outclass all mortal mansions on this earth! This mansion will be as immortal as God himself! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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