The third plague over King Pharaoh and Egypt was lice! Invasion of lice into every Egyptian! Why lice? Let me give you a definition of lice; “Lice are parasitic insects that can be found on people’s heads and bodies including the pubic area. Human lice survives by feeding on human blood and lays eggs in their clothing producing more lice and more blood sucking.” The key word here is blood! Pharaoh rejected the sacrificial blood of the Jews for redemption so his blood was sacrificed! No redemption in his blood or of his people! Because of the rejection he became the sacrifice! Pharaoh trusted his idols! Idol worshipers make an idol which fails so they make another idol which fails! If a woman is your idol then you chase after woman after woman but never satisfied! This is where idol worship takes you! Making your own gods instead of embracing the living God! According to my Bible we were created in the Image of God! You get in trouble if you create God in your Image! Hitler lost two million troops on the Eastern front with Russia in WWII. Napoleon lost his army trying to conquer Russia! Most of the casualties froze to death in the harsh Russian winter! The Axis powers leaders were all Evolutionists! They rejected creation of our scripture and embraced Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution! It lead to the death of tens of millions of people! A historical story of the German troops on the Eastern front was because they had to keep the same uniform on for months lice infested their bodies! When they got near a fire to keep from freezing to death the heat to their bodies would cause the lice to swarm on them! They could not stand that so they would back away from the fire that would keep them from freezing to death! So the German people were sacrificed by blood loss because their leader Hitler rejected the blood sacrifice of Christ for their sin! So they went out and committed sins! This is the curse of God! Blessings or curses depending on what you do with the sacrificial Blood of God! We either praise God or we will curse God! Pharaoh mocked God and cursed God by trying to compete with Moses by trying to duplicate the signs and wonders God gave Moses in Egypt! Rebellion against God leads to you making yourself a god! Evolutionists are really atheists! They reject the sacrificial blood of Christ! The tenth plague on King Pharaoh and the Egyptian people was the death of the first born! More blood sacrifice! Their own sacrifice! So what is the death of the first born in America for the 20th and 21st century? What have the Evolutionist devised? Abortion! To the tune of about 60 million! James and Hamsa Sasse.