The Palestinians & Sorrow! Exodus 15:14

The Book of Exodus was written by Moses about 3500 years ago! This Book describes the Jews exodus out of Egypt after 400 years of slavery where they served King Pharoah. God promised the Jews through Abraham that he was reserving a land of them flowing with milk and honey which is present day Israel! So when the Palestinians heard that the Jews were headed back to the land they were occupying they became sorrowful! The word Palestine in the Hebrew means to roll in the dust! They were migratory people or illegal immigrants taking territory by force! They were also known as the sea people. Plundering as pirates invading the lands of others. Their name was also called the Philistines! Remember David fighting a Philistine named Goliath? Sometimes they were also known as the Zidonians! The same Hebrew root word is used for the Palestinians and the Zidonians! They are the same people! Plundering people was their occupation! Squatters! God has given his people promises yet in this life there is a battle required to receive those promises! Jesus on the Cross! HAMAS funded by Iran are the present day Palestinians waging war against Israel! What God has reserved for his people Satan will try to steal! Fight the good fight of faith trusting Jesus to reward you for following him into every battle Satan will wage against you but you will have the victory for when Satan and his followers try to wage war against God they will never win that conflict! They will continue to roll around in the dust of death and destruction! James & Hamsa

“Where I Record My Name” Exodus 20:24

Look at this scripture! Are you a record player for Jesus? Build me an altar and a Church and record my name there and I will visit you there and bless you! The word “record” in the Hebrew Language means to recognize him! You can only recognize someone unless you know them! The word means to remember him! To bring him to remembrance! Jesus said this do in remembrance of me! The word also means to mark and to dwell on! Is God your dwelling place? Does he live in your house? Do you have the welcome mat out for him? Does God dwell in you or does evil live in you? There is only one correct answer for the remedy for sin! Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa

Broken Relationships & Assassinations!

We are born with a purpose! When we find our purpose life takes on meaning! A reason to live! God has designed relationships through the family! Marriage between a man and a woman is a good start! It is difficult to find purpose in broken relationships! The news reports said the Trump shooter was a loner! Broken relationships create loners! They lash out in anger and violence not able to live with themselves! God has a relationship with his Son Jesus Christ that purchased our redemption! A way to establish a relationship with him broken by sin! Satan (Lucifer) has a purpose also! To break up the relationship between God and man! He is the author of sin! Was Trump more valuable than the father killed by the bullets intended for Trump? Were the two seriously wounded by bullets intended for Trump less valuable than Trump? Were these horrible events for Trump luck or providence? All of Jesus disciples were martyred except the Apostle John! John was boiled in a pot of oil yet survived to write the Book of Revelation! I am not more or less valuable than Trump I just fulfill God’s will in my life wherever that leads me! All in Christ will eventually end up in heaven with Christ forever! Those that took those bullets for Trump are really martyrs! They may wear the martyrs crown in heaven! Whether in life or death we worship our King! My broken relationship to God through my sin were fixed by Jesus! Now I have purpose living for the one who died for me! Jesus value is above every mortal because he is more than a man he is God! The perfect sacrifice without sin! Only God has the power and authority to redeem mortals! Our value comes in relationship to Christ! He has made us worthy by his blood! Jesus greatest pain was not the cruel Cross but his separation for those three days from his Father in order to purchase our souls to make us all fit for heaven and a life with purpose living for him until he takes us home! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.UK

Holy Ground? Exodus 3:5

The word Holy used here means to consecrate someone or something as clean and pure! The ground is the dust of the earth! Moses was standing on Holy ground consecrated by God so God asked Moses to remove his shoes! So what about his feet? God created man from the dust of the earth! God told Peter do not call what I make clean unclean! Eat Peter! God was removing the prejudice Peter had towards the gentiles! We are pronounced clean by the Blood of Jesus! It is the work of God that makes us clean not our own works! Earth worshippers or idol worshippers want to stop all energy production when in fact God created the earth for the benefit of man! The Holy ground has gas, oil, coal, diamonds, water,lithium, silver, rubies, gold, salt, food production, fertilizers, minerals and is full of things for the benefit of man! God has given us breath and life to enjoy his creation! Only God can clean you up for his service! Jesus washed the feet of his disciples preparing them for service to him and others! Only God can make you Holy and the ground you are standing on! Where God is Holiness abounds and every fruit of his spirit! Invite him into your life and he will clean you up! James & Hamsa