Trump & Martin Luther!

It was 16th Century Germany and Europe where the religious system were completely out of control in which the organized church was abusing the very people it was to serve! Martin Luther a Monk was really troubled by what he saw happening in the church and wrote the Pope and other religious leaders citing scriptures and the non application of the Word of God! The then church rejected his pleas and so the Protestant Reformation began! The settling of America by the Pilgrims and other groups established our Constitution and the American form of government born out of the Reformation! Luther had to flee for his life yet stayed the course to bring new freedom to Europe and America! The beginning of this spiritual revival ended with a political revival! President Trump in 2016 found the same abuses of political power in our American government using the Sate to go after those who disagreed with it even on religious grounds! Abusing the same people which it was sworn to protect! A government for the people and by the people was fast fading away into the authoritarian State! People now fear our government in 2024! A grandmother was sentenced to two years in prison for protesting in front of an abortion clinic yet illegal immigrants doing crimes against our citizens are let go free to do more crimes! Liberty and justice for all American citizens has been surrendered to foreign invaders! Trump has brought a political reformation based on our founding principles of our United States Constitution! Remember any political revolution not founded on Spiritual Biblical principles only bring destruction such as the Russian Revolution or any other revolution! The American Revolution had its founding in Biblical values of liberty and justice for the citizens of our great nation! Trump is simply us steering back to those founding values of peace, prosperity, liberty, justice that were established by our founding Fathers! God Bless America! James & Hamsa

The Case Against Abortion! Psalm 22:10

I was cast upon thee from the womb; thou art my God from my mother’s belly! Commentary: The Hebrew word “belly” has an interesting meaning! It means from the totality of a human soul! The total sum of a human soul expressing everything and all potential existing in the baby in the mother’s womb! The life in this life and into all eternity that God created and holds for his good pleasure serving man and God forever! Killing a soul in the womb is an act of murder and destroying the image of God for which he or she was created for the purpose of God expressed in humanity! James & Hamsa

Why Do They Speak Spanish?

When you ask Spanish speaking people here in America who have come from South America, Central America, Mexico, Southwest part of America or the Caribbean Islands most do not know why they speak Spanish? Some say I was born that way! History shows us that Christopher Columbus over 500 years ago discovered North and South America and evangelized for Catholics to these areas and planted the Spanish language for a unified one language people across the Americas! His trip for Spain brought evangelism to these people groups 100 years ahead of the Protestants explaining why these nations are Catholic in their faith! Columbus used the scriptures for his guide to sail west for by the then maps there was a Continent missing according to scriptures! So why tear down his statues here in America? Could it be the rejection of the God of our scriptures and the Creator of all things? Yes! The assault on American values founded on our scriptures continue as the political left wars even against God himself and His Christ! They will not win this one and even if they did they would not want to live in the dark world of evil and violence they are creating! God Bless America! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.UK

Love Much! Suffer Much! John 3:16

Did you ever notice those who love you the most suffer the most! Whether Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. or Donald Trump ! To these 3 great leaders the people were more important than the political system! The political enemies of Trump use the political, judicial and social media system to try to destroy him and his family! The common man on the streets of America understands Trump loves them more than the systems of government! God suffered for all our sins and paid a great price to redeem us by his own blood on a Cross! We all can suffer for wrong doing but the majority suffer for what is right! Our fallen military soldiers! Persecution comes from following Christ! Jesus said they will hate you because they hate me! To God you have a name! A Christian! God is personal and is in the details but Satan is not in fact to number all his followers with a same number “666”. You are just a number to Satan as with our crooked political people! Just a vote! Not a person with a soul and a life! Jesus said my name is above all names! No man comes to the Father but by me! Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father in Heaven! The word deny in the Greek means to fail to mention his name! Is Jesus just a curse word to you? Ignorance is not bliss! It is hell bound! Without suffering there is no redemption! Without death there is no life! Die to self and be born again! God will give you his love to enable you to walk through suffering to express his love to the nations! Like God love your enemies and live for him! James & Hamsa Sasse.

What is a Real Sacrifice? Exodus 3:18

Moses and the elders wanted King Pharoah to release all the 2 million Jews to go out into the desert on a 3 days journey to sacrifice to their God! Why not just send the Priests out to do this? Pay them to do the sacrifice? The key meaning of the word “sacrifice” is found in the Hebrew word used in this scripture! The word does not refer to a Priest doing a continual animal sacrifice for the sins of the people but it means a personal sacrifice at ones own expense! Jesus at the Cross! The grandmother who just got a two year prison sentence for protesting in front of an abortion clinic! She believed the lives of the unborn were more valuable than her own life! The soldier who lays down his life for his country! The parents that get up everyday and go to work for their families! God sacrificing his own Son for our sin who knew no sin! Only God’s sacrifice can save us yet to live like God is to make sacrifices for him and for others! The blood sacrifice of Jesus covers the blood shedding of our evil actions against others! Why? Because his blood was the very blood of God himself! Some will be awarded the Martyr’s Crown in heaven after their life lived here on earth! God died for us so we do not have to die for God! However God’s will for each of us must be lived out for our time here on earth! If his will is for us to be Martyred for the testimony of Christ then so be it! Whether we live for him or not everyone here on earth has an eternity before us depending on what we did with and for Jesus Christ while we lived this live on earth! James & Hamsa Sasse