Christ! Human & Divine!

Human beings must be known to be loved ; but Divine beings must be loved to be known! Blaise Pascal I.Q.– 195. Commentary: Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments! God first loved you and he knew you even in your mother’s womb! This is why abortion is so cruel! Jesus said go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! His sacrifice made for us makes us known to be loved! But then to return this love in worship to him makes us known to him! Is your name written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life or is it blotted out? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

Totally Lost Without Him!

Not only do we know God through Jesus Christ alone, but we know ourselves only by Jesus Christ. We know life and death only through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ, we do not know what is our life, nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves. Blaise Pascal I.Q.–195

Easter Looking Forward! Revelation 5:9

“And they sung a new song not just numerically but new in quality with a new use a song of deliverance and praise confessing and saying, Thou art worthy to take the book of life and open the seals thereof: for thou was butchered as the sacrifice, and has purchased us with his human blood and holds the right of our possession freeing us from the debt of our sin unto God by thy blood forceably taken by violence out of every race and every language Christian people out of every nation.” Commentary: You know the old story about this mosquito flying above the Amazon river looking for blood and by a stroke of luck he comes down and finds a nudist colony living along the river! Then the sight of all these naked people blows his little mind for he asks himself where do I start? Where do I begin? Too many places to go! Too many choices! Many scriptures we read in the Bible really contain the whole Bible! Remember the Bible interprets itself! As we read and study the Bible application exists from Genesis to Revelation! We see Genesis in Revelation and Revelation in Genesis! As we read our New Testament we begin to see Old Testament scripture! Like a giant picture puzzle the pieces begin to fit together! Then we see the big picture and how we fit into the puzzle for the purposes of God for your life! Life takes on new meaning no matter what season of life you are living! Nothing is ever lost and in everything good or bad has purpose in him! We are truly living in the last days of time before Jesus second coming! Do not lose heart as the waves of persecution are coming against his church here in America! There is nothing new under the sun but we are going to be new to this persecution just as other nations have paid the price for following Christ! No one escapes the price of following Christ so do not lose heart for he will deliver us out of all the troubles that are coming and your name is written down in the Book of Life! Your name is not blotted out so be faithful unto the end! We will miss the judgment seals that are issued out upon the earth and those in rebellion against the God of heaven and earth! God created you in his Image! Your gender is God given and you are not in a wrong body! Your race is God given and you are not in the wrong body! You are a created being! You did not evolve! Be who God created you to be! Do not try to be somebody else! What God has gifted you is your best you! If a chicken thinks he is a fox he will eat himself! Your worth comes from God himself! Not everyone will go to heaven even though God loves all but it gets down to a choice! You have a future if you put your faith in the God who holds your future! Your future is heaven or hell but it is all up to you! Embrace Christ or reject him determines your future! Who wants to miss heaven? Only those that try to make themselves God! That is what Lucifer did who became Satan while living in heaven! Then after his rejection from heaven to earth he sold the same old lies to Adam and Eve! Satan will lie to you right now telling you do not need God! You can make it on your own! Just like Satan is making it on his own right into hell! Jesus will raise all from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment separated from God forever! God conquered death and this is what Easter is all about! It is all about your future! Choose life and not death! Whoever you choose to follow will be forever! It all begins today! Who are you following? Christ or the Anti-Christ? When you are raised from the dead and face Christ what will you say? What excuse will work? None! You are either in or out! Happy Easter! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Good Friday! Revelation 5:9

“And they sang a new song saying, Thou art worthy to take the books and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people and nation.” Commentary: There is a lot to unpackage here! We have guests in our home and time is not sufficient here so after they leave will go to the Greek and break this verse down and put it back together again! The Cross has redemptive power both past, present and future! Happy Easter! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Trump & New York City!

Our prayers are a righteous Holy nation would invade New York City and install a Democracy into their civil government! Where good people are rewarded and evil people are punished! You know like the good old days! Sorry to hear Bill and Hillary are getting a divorce! I would like to see the charges? Bill can say to Hillary like Donald said to Stormy your check is in the mail! When any marriage is based upon political capital and then it gets all used up well this is how it ends! Only the love of God through Christ conquers the sin and works of our flesh! Do not forget to go to and make a donation to help him with his legal fee’s! Bill and Hillary may also need some financial help! Happy Easter! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

God Does Discriminate! Matthew 25:31-46

Verse 34: “Then King Jesus will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance the kingdom is prepared for you since the creation of the world.” Verse 41: “Then Jesus will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Commentary: God discriminates between good and evil! They are not both the same just like gender as the woke crowd wants you to believe! There is a lot of good preaching today about the benefits of serving Jesus books like the best life now but little is said about the consequences of rejecting Jesus and trying to live without him in this life and the life to come! God discriminates and the fact this is why he has a heaven and a hell! This is not rocket science! Anyone with half a brain can figure this out! Heaven and hell are not the same place! Day and night! Do you see Jesus was active in the creation of this world! This gives him the responsibility to judge this same world! He owns it! He judges good and evil! This involves people and the decisions they make! If all were the same the world would not need a Savior! We would all be doomed to hell! But the creator of heaven and earth reserves the right to pass all judgment on men! This is what easter is all about! Him going to a Cross and delivering us from evil! He took our judgment for sin upon himself! Do you see how serious it is to reject his love! That is the only unpardonable sin! To blaspheme the Holy Spirit part of the Trinity! God is true and every man a liar! What is the ideology taught in our public schools that Hitler and the Axis power leaders embraced that lead up to WWII? Darwinism! Every man a liar! The evil that goes on in this world today is all related to the rejection of Christ the creator of this world! Deny the owner and you will make yourself God! That leads to death and destruction! All the enemies of America whether China, Russia, Iran or North Korea all have one thing in common! Rejection of Christ the owner of this world! Their leaders reject Christ! All the internal enemies of the United States all have one thing in common! The rejection of the owner Christ! Jesus purchased back his creation with his own blood on an ugly cruel Cross! To reject him will cause you to have your worst life now and more to come in eternity separated from him forever! Think about these things as you enter the easter season and self evaluate yourself are you a goat on the left or a sheep on the right? James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.UK

Web Site Traffic March 2023

We had a total of 2800 visitors for March. The top 5 MP3 language downloads for the month were Badeshi, Creole, Maithili, Arabic and Yoruba. Badeshi is an Indo-Iranian language out of Pakistan that is classified as extinct however the BBC found three speakers there a few years back! This language was never translated from the Bible. Our Gospel tract in their language may be the only Bible they hear? Creole is the old slave traders language. We have French Creole, Spanish Creole and some others simply a mix of two languages. Maithili is a language spoken in India and Nepal. Yoruba is a language spoken in Nigeria with about 50 million speakers and about 5 million outside of Nigeria. Thanks to technology we can take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the remote parts of the earth! I will never forget last year when we got a phone call one evening out of Palestine where a Muslim wanted to know more about our ministry! We have three contact numbers on our web site home page one here in America and two numbers in India! God Bless! James & Hamsa Sasse.