Man! Master of Women!

This was a new book out so this elderly man though finally I have a guide now for victory! So he stopped by a local bookstore and went up to the front desk where a young girl was working. Young lady there is a new book out titled Man! Master of Woman! Do you have a copy available? She pulled up the title on her computer screen and told him we just got a shipment in yesterday! Just go down to Section F about 10 isles down you will find a copy! They are located in our fiction section!

Green New Deal & Dummies!

Hey Germany is waking up! They are bull dozing down wind turbine farms to make way for expanded coal mining operations! They finally got smart! They are tired of freezing in the winter and roasting in the summer! They also do not want to buy oil from Putin and fund their wars of aggression! Do they like uncle Joe want to blame Putin for everything that goes wrong? Putin is a devil! At least he acts like one! Or maybe they are rejecting the Darwin Hitler loved that got them into WWII? They might be thinking Creation is the real science and God made these green acres for man and our planet worship scheme of the Green New Deal is a poverty promoter? If you support any Green New Deal candidates in your voting this November then poverty is your game! However I serve a God of prosperity for he created this earth for our benefit! If you really hate energy then put a lamp shade over our sun in the sky! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Name That Tune!

It has been said that Biden is the second coming of Jimmy Carter to the White House! This is prophetic! However these are two false Messiah’s! They promised us heaven and gave us hell! So what is new with politics? As promising contestants we give you a chance to name that tune in the funeral procession! The correct choice is: A. Inflation B. Insecure borders C. High crime D. High debt E. High Gas prices F. Hell on earth G. All the above The winner will have a chance to go to the polls and vote for more of the same or less of the same! Whether you like to win or lose at least vote for your choice and the kind of future you want! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Cross Dressing? Deuteronomy 22:5

“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God.” Commentary: Is the Lord your God? Then dress like it! The fifth Book of our Bible Deuteronomy was written by Moses (1525-1405 B.C.). So this Book was written about 3500 years ago! So this sin of cross dressing is not a new sin of the 21st Century! Sin is as old as your Bible just new sin to those ignorant of our scriptures and history! The new deal is the old sin! Cross dressing leads to gender confusion especially to children! This is an attack on our children and the gender God has given them! It is war on the God of creation! It is a rebellion against law and order established for us in scriptures! Your bible is the owners manual for living according to God’s purpose for your life! We can live with election deniers such as Hillary and Trump but gender deniers are subject to the wrath of God and the judgments that follow any culture who are ignorant enough to challenge God! We live with crime and violence in our culture because of denying God his rightful place over us to protect us from death and destruction! Left to himself man will destroy himself! So how did America get to creation deniers? Darwin my friend! Marx was a Darwinist! Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan the Axis power leaders were all Darwinists! Then after all the destruction of WWII what happens? Is Darwin now dead? No! He is instituted into our public schools in the 1960’s here in America and taught as a science? Something to behold? If you really believe in evolution then we can evolve into anything! A man can become a woman! A woman can become a man! If a monkey could talk he would tell us being related to a man is an insult to our population! The good news is redemption of man is as old as our Bible! My Bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but those ways lead to death! Christ was active in creation and he still is! He is coming back to earth at his second coming! Not as redeemer but as judge! Now is the time to receive redemption while you still have breath! All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! Celebrate the gender God has given you! That would be celebrating the God of Creation! Repent now while you still have time! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Web Site Traffic October 2022

Web Site: Traffic: Visitors 3061. Top 5 Country Traffic: USA, Russia, Netherlands, Great Britain, Canada. Top MP3 Language download: Badeshi Note: This is an almost extinct language a Indo-Iranian origin spoken in Pakistan! The BBC found three known speakers in 2018. This language was never translated into the Bible! Jesus said go out into all the world to preach the Gospel! Jesus died on a Cross for the Badeshi speaking people even if there were only one of them in the entire world! We have our Gospel tract in 130 languages and over 100 audio downloads to do exactly what Jesus commanded us to do! Thankyou for your support and your prayers! James & Hamsa Sasse.