So what was the first plague on the Pharaoh and Egypt for not letting the Jews go out into the wilderness and worship their God? Moses wanted his people to get away from the idols of Egypt for they had suffered with them for 430 years! This was the hardest part of slavery! They could not worship their God! From my three years in India I understand this very well! Everyday you see hundreds of idols everywhere! This begins to wear you down over time! Pharaoh refused to let them go! So Moses took his rod and struck the Nile River, the lakes, ponds, streams and wells of Egypt and the water turned to blood! This was the first plague of Egypt! They could not drink the water and all the fish died in the water and they lost their food supply! The first Commandment says thou shall have no other gods before me! So what does the blood represent? Redemption or judgment! Remember Jesus turned the water into wine! A red mixture representing blood! Remember during the 10th plague Moses directed the Hebrews to put the sacrificial blood of the lamb on the side door posts and the upper door post so the death angel would Passover them and not kill their first born! Pharaoh rejected the blood sacrifice of the Hebrews worship predicting the coming Lamb of God who would be the sacrifice for our sin! So the blood became not his Savior but his curse! The blood of Christ will either be your Savior or your judge! The same God yesterday, today and forever! The same sacrifice! The same Savior and the same Judge! It all depends on what you do with his blood! I heard a preacher on TBN say God can forgive any sin! I agree except for one sin! To reject the Savior! Then you take your own judgment instead of letting Christ take your judgment! This is the only unpardonable sin! Sometimes when you hear preachers you get the idea there is no consequences for rejecting Christ? If God can pardon every sin then I can reject Christ and go on with my life with no consequences! Pharaoh rejected the blood and it became his curse! The rejection of the blood of Christ brings every plague upon men! The Savior becomes your judge! God took your judgment on an ugly Cross! When I see America reject the Savior then I understand the plagues! There is no call to a National Repentance from most preachers? No repentance of abortion, gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism and the sins our nation has promoted! It seems like business as usual? You can still repent and so can I of my sin! Repentance is required based upon the Word of God! Blessings or curses! Plagues or Redemption! Pharaoh had a choice and so do you! Choose this day who you will serve! Choose Christ and his atoning blood for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.